Page 36 of Succeeding Love
“I’m sure I don’t want him to,” he grumbled.
I sighed, wondering if I should be the one to bring it up with Nick or not. I don’t know if it will make things worse for their relationship if I do.
“Is Aunt Kate coming with you tomorrow?” Preston asked me, changing the subject.
“I’m not sure yet. I think she has plans already.” Preston made a face, so I added, “Why?”
“It’s a long way to drive, mom.”
“I know,” I nodded.
“You have to leave at five to make it there on time,” Preston said, looking at me like I was missing something.
“I know. I’ll listen to an audio book. Have some me time.”
“Mom,” he said levelly.
Jessie giggled at us. “You’re not the best driver, mom. I think that’s what Preston is trying to say.”
“I am a perfectly safe driver!”
Preston scoffed. “Until that audio book of yours gets to a sad part. Or a hilarious part. You get distracted too easily, mom.”
“Well, I’m not missing your game! Do you want me to fly down there instead?”
“No, but I don’t want you driving by yourself.”
I looked up at the ceiling and shook my head. In these ways, he is just like his father. Nick would get like Preston is now if I tried to do anything by myself that he considered dangerous. He used to get mad at me for silly stuff like keeping the windows open in the house all day while I was home alone.
“Mom, why don’t you just ask someone else to go with you?” Jessie said, looking pointedly at the flowers. Preston was busy spooning peanut butter covered waffles in his mouth and missed it.
“Maybe,” I bit my lip. Would it be weird for me to ask Vin to go with me?
“You should,” Preston said with a mouth full of food. “I have to stay with the team anyway, so you should bring a friend and spend the night in the city or something tomorrow night.” He smirked at me, “Someone who wouldn’t mind doing all the driving.”
“Watch it,” I pointed a butter knife at him after cutting his turkey and cheese in half.
He held his hands up with a smirk, like he was surrendering.
I finish the kid’s sandwiches for their lunches, then put them in the bag with the rest of their food before they finish eating. I kissed them both bye and went to follow them out like I always do before I walk Kevin.
As Preston was shoving his stuff in his trunk, and I was fastening Kevin’s leash, Jessie leaned in to whisper to me, “I put your note back. I’m happy for you, mama.”
My heart swells, and I’m truly touched. I didn’t expect her to accept me dating again. She’s so close to her dad that I feared she would reject the idea completely.
“Thank you, sweetie.” I pulled her close and kissed her head, feeling like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
She got in the car with Preston, and I waved them off as I walked down the driveway with Kevin. The curtains moved in a window across the street. Then a few seconds later, human Kevin was opening his garage, taking the trash to the curb as I slowly approached with a huge smile on my face.
“Oh, hey! Crazy running into you,” he said with a sly grin. “What a coincidence.”
“A coincidence, huh?” I giggled. Kevin jumped up for pets, and Vin was happy to give them. “What do you have planned today?”
“Well,” he stretched his arms above his head, smoothly resting one around my shoulders, “I was thinking of going for a walk right now, then later I’m going to my sweet little neighbor’s house in my swim trunks.”
“In your swim trunks!” I feigned shock. “Whatever for?”