Page 40 of Succeeding Love
“Oh,” I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never used them.”
“Except in your food?”
“Well, yeah,” I bit back a laugh.
Vin looked at me that way again, murmuring, “Adorable.” I didn’t know how being unfamiliar with drugs made me adorable, but I was growing addicted to that appraising stare of his.
I bashfully looked at the mounted white screen at the back of the pool, then back at him. “Before you get any more full on my drug-laced enchiladas, do you want to go for a swim?”
He looked at the pool and the makeshift raft floating around in it. There was still plenty of room to swim. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, smirking, then asked, “Wanna have a water gun fight?”
“Uh, yes!” I squealed, squirming in my seat.
He chuckled. “Be right back. Gotta go get them.”
On his way back inside, he pulled off his shirt, so he was only in his swim trunks, hanging low on his waist. My mouth dropped to the concrete ground. I knew he was fit, but didn’t know to what extent.
“Wow,” I accidentally whispered loudly as I got up to jump in the pool before he got back. My swim bottoms felt ruined, and I needed to get them back before he got back. Stupid Kate. If she hadn’t waxed me down there, it might now be this sensitive.
I heard his deep laughter as he went inside and knew he heard me.
Well, he now knows I have no filter. He’s not running for the hills yet.
I tugged off my dress, tossing it on a chair before I jumped in the warm water. Hopefully, this hides all the evidence of what he’s done to me this evening.
She’s Mine
“Oh, fuck me.”
I looked back right before I turned out of view when I heard her little “wow” slip out again. She was pulling off her dress, revealing her bikini underneath. Now I’m leaning over her kitchen counter, trying to get in the headspace to not embarrass the crap out of myself when I go back out.
How the hell can a woman that has had two kids still look that hot? She is so tiny, but thick in all the right places. I wasn’t expecting the curves she had.
I heard a little yelp, then her dog started barking. I rushed outside with the water guns in hand, thinking maybe she had hurt herself. Military training ingrained in me, I had one of the fucking water guns ready in my grip like I was running into a hostile territory. Instead of a crisis, I found Feighlynn in the pool, splashing Kevin and trying to get him to jump in.
“Come on, Kevin! Come on, boy!”
Seeing her expression brought a smile to my face. She’s so adorable. Hot, especially in that swimsuit, but adorable in everything she does.
“You got in without me?” I held my hand over my bare chest, pretending to be offended.
Her eyes traveled down the front of me. I tensed my body, trying to flex without making it obvious. She made me feel ten feet tall when she looked at me like that, and she does it a lot.
“I was testing it out, making sure it was nice and warm.”
“It looks warm.” I crouched down by the steaming water. Kevin pushed against my side, still riled up. I rubbed between his wet ears.
“It is.” Lynn gave me a coy smile. “Wanna get in?”
She didn’t give me a chance to answer, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward. I landed in the water with a hard crash, going under for a second before emerging again with a gasp.
“Oops,” she giggled, swimming away as I was pushing the water out of my face. “I got one Kevin in the water.”
“Oh, you’re going to get it now.”
I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I dove under and swam right for her legs as she squealed, trying in vain to run away. I caught her waist and lifted as I came up, then tossed her lightly a few feet away. She screamed and squealed, still looking beautiful when she came back up.