Page 64 of Succeeding Love
“Let me stop you right there,” I squeezed his shoulder. “Preston, I’m so fucking serious about your mother, you wouldn’t even believe. I’ve been where your mom is at. Exactly where your mom is at, only I never had kids. I know what you are worried about, I promise you, I’m never going to play with her. Not like you’re worried about.” I smirked, then added, “We had an awesome water gun fight in your pool last night, though.”
He looked shocked for a minute, then laughed dryly. “Really? Mom got you to have a water gun fight with her?”
“Oh, I brought the water guns. She just supplied the water.”
“Huh,” he laughed, his serious expression melting away. “I bet mom loved that.”
“Loved what?” She asked, just coming back out and hearing the tail end of the conversation.
“You had a water gun fight last night?” Preston got up from his mother’s chair and helped her push it in after she sat back down.
“Oh, yeah!” The cutest smile broke on her face. “I totally won!”
“You think you did?” I chuckled. I know I was the real winner. I got her.
“We’re home!” Jessie sang out as I unlocked the condo door.
Flying for the day only had us traveling light. I only had my keys and wallet, and she had a small backpack. It was a quickand easy flight back. Not baggage checks or claims, and nothing to lug around.
Why do I feel so much weight on my shoulders then?
Ever since we left the game, I’ve felt like complete garbage. The way Fay looked at me…..
My heart sinks in my chest just thinking about it now.
“Can we order more pizza, daddy?” Jessie asked, skipping around boxes to head to her room.
“Sure, sweetie. I’ll make the call.”
She stopped her prancing and stared at me as I opened the cabinet and brought down the bottle of Johnnie Walker and poured myself a glass. I’ve been trying to hide my mood, but coming into this condo that I was hoping to share with her mother after being so Fay was so hostile to me was what tipped me out of my facade.
“Daddy?” Jessie walked hesitantly over to me. “Are you mad?”
She asked me in the car several times on the way to the airport, asking if I was mad at her for thinking some flowers Fay received were from me and not that tattooed asshole she was with.
I was pissed, but it wasn’t at Jessie. I was mad at myself.
“I’m not, baby girl. I’m just tired.” I hugged her to my side.
I closed my eyes for a moment as I picked up a lingering scent of her mother’s perfume on her. A choking sob almost broke free, but I swallowed it down.
“I’m fine,” I forced a smile. “Really. Why don’t you see if you can get a head start on Preston’s room? He’ll be here tomorrow. I’ll come help after ordering the pizza.”
“Okay,” she said meekly. I knew she was still worried, but I didn’t know how to put on a better act than I already was.
I felt miserable. I knew it was a long shot, but I still wanted Fay to come back with me. She’s doing who knows what with that ballerina jerk right now.
As I pulled out my phone, I stared at my call log screen, scanning over all the red lines from ignored calls, mostly Arlene’s, telling myself that I was looking for the number for the pizza place.
I knew who I was really looking for, though. When I saw her name appear, my finger hesitated over the call button.
That sinking feeling in my chest was too hard to ignore. I pressed call. My knees gave out, and I sank to the floor when a male voice answered.