Page 74 of Succeeding Love
But then again, we aren’t two young ducks anymore. I’m already committed to this, and I know he is, too. I guess thatmakes it less weird, and maybe even a little romantic. He still wants me to meet him, even if others are around.
Jeez, I hope I don’t do something stupid, like squirt mustard down my shirt or sneeze in the chip bowl. Nick used to coach me before we would meet with his work friends for anything, just to ensure I didn’t step out of line with my filterless mouth. I don’t think Vin cares as much about public opinions, but my experiences with Nick still leave a sour taste in my mouth.
As I was grabbing my bag and keys and headed for the garage, the doorbell rang. Kevin went nuts, like he always does. It took me a second to calm him down and pull him back.
“It’s just a delivery!” I told him, knowing the mail carrier stops by about this time almost every day.
When I knew he was done with his protective fit, I cracked open the door, staring down at the mat to see what package was left.
Instead, I found a pair of men’s oxfords. I followed the legs to the shoes up and had to resist the urge to groan when I saw Nick standing there.
“You’re not a package,” I said almost accusingly.
“No. I am not. You sound disappointed,” he smiled.
I am, but saying that would be rude. “Do you need something?” I said instead. “I was just about to leave.”
That took the smile right off his face. “Oh, uh, leave for where?”
I quirked my lips to the side of my face, not sure if I wanted to tell him. I haven’t seen or talked to him sincePreston’s game, and I didn’t really want to talk to him now. “I have lunch plans,” I simply said.
“Oh.” His shoulders slumped forward slightly, his face full of disappointment. “I was stopping by to see if I could take you out to lunch. I guess that wouldn’t work then.”
“Nope,” I sighed, not sure why he would want to have lunch. We’ve not had lunch or done anything without the kids involved together since we separated. “I’m sorry, Nick, but I really have to go. If you need to talk to me about something, can it be later?”
“Sure. What about dinner? Tonight?”
“It’s a Monday night. The kids will need laundry done and I have a list a mile high of other things I need to do for them. Can I just call you sometime tomorrow?” I checked the time on my watch. I had an hour still, but the traffic during lunch was sometimes a pain. I needed to leave soon to make sure I got there early.
Nick shuffled awkwardly on his feet. “I’d really like to talk to you sooner rather than later, Fay. This is, uh, kinda important.”
“Important or not, I don’t know if I’m comfortable meeting you alone for any meal. Arlene wouldn’t appreciate it either.”
“That’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about,” he mumbled. “I’m… I’m not with Arlene anymore.”
“Oh,” I said awkwardly. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Yeah,” he shifted nervously on his feet again. “I’m not sorry to end it at all. It was a mistake.”
A mistake? The break up was a mistake, or did he make a mistake with Arlene where he got kicked out? Is that why he needed the condo?
I didn’t have time for this.
“Are you just needing someone to talk to about the breakup?” I asked, going out on a limb. I was growing anxious about the time and wanted to finish this quickly. “If so, I can call you after I get done with lunch, but I really need to go.”
His brows shadowed his eyes as he frowned. “Are you meetinghim?That guy?”
I bit my bottom lip, sensing his hostility towards Vin. It’s unwarranted, and I wasn’t sure how to tell him that.
“Fay, please,” Nick took a step forward, reaching out to grab my hand. “Please, stay and talk with me. Don’t go see him.”
Déjà Vu
I pulled my hand out of his, taking a step back. “Excuse me?!” I felt like a trout, opening and closing my mouth in stunned anger. First, he had an issue with me driving back with Vin, and now he’s trying to prevent me from going to lunch with him. “Where do you get off trying to keep me from spending time with the man I’m seeing? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Now, wait,” he tried to push inside the house, but I stayed firmly in place, blocking him. “Let’s talk about this inside.”
“No! I already told you I’m not comfortable being alone with you right now and there’s no reason for you to come into my house.”