Page 27 of Say You'll Stay
I want to hear their love story. There is nothing better than people falling in love and everyone getting their happily ever after.
Chapter Eighteen
“Will you be taking over The Academy?” Lauren asks as we clear the table. Griffin had brought over steaks and a propane tank.
We hooked up the grill in the back and made dinner while the girls got to know each other.
“I don’t think so. I don’t know anything about running a school. It was a nice gesture, though.” Vasey pats me on the shoulder.
“I guess I’ll sell it.” I pick up my stack of dishes and follow the girls inside. Griff trails behind.
“You could go to school for it,” Lauren suggests. “I’m taking business admin classes because I want to open my own salon, but all I know how to do right now is cut hair and deliver plates.”
“Customer service is a good skill,” Griffin calls from over my shoulder.
“You don’t have to defend me, babe. I know I need more know-how before I can start a business.”
“I didn’t have any,” Griff says.
“You had West, who you say yourself is uncommonly smart about business things.”
“Thanks for the compliment, Lauren.” I shoot a grin at Griff, who is frowning since his woman paid the slightest bit of attention to someone other than him.
“Where will you open your new salon?” Vasey asks.
“I’m not sure. Was hoping that West would help us out on that. Put together some feasibility plans, market comps, and stuff.”
“Be happy to.” I place the last fork inside the dishwasher basket, and Vasey hip checks the door closed. “Good teamwork.” We high-five.
Lauren’s phone dings. She reads a text and then motions for Griffin. “We have to go. Mick’s done packing, and we need to take him to the airport. He’s doing some sparring with a boxing champ in Vegas,” she explains.
“It was wonderful meeting you.” Vasey and Lauren hug.
It’s good to see them get along, not that I was worried that they wouldn’t. Griff wasn’t going to fall for a woman like Roberta. As the two women move toward the door, Griff pulls me aside. “Wanted to let you know that in my deep dive on Ware, I found out that Jasmine isn’t his bio kid. It’s his cousin who died right after Jasmine was born. Ware took the kid in.”
“Interesting. Anything else?”
“No. Rich as hell. Came from a rich family. Will die as part of a rich family. Take care of yourself. Let’s get together again.”
“Next week?”
“It’s a plan.”
Upstairs, as Vasey puts on her face stuff, I tell her the news about Ware.
“I know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone knows that Jasmine isn’t his bio daughter, but it doesn’t matter because he views Jasmine as his own flesh andblood and would ruin anyone that would suggest otherwise. That’s why no one says anything. Does it matter to you?”
“That Jasmine is adopted? No. Why would it?” I could watch Vasey do her nighttime routine for hours. For one, I get to stare at her gorgeous face, but two, seeing all her jars and bottles strewn across our bathroom sink is a mark of her presence. She’s here, with me, forever.
“No, I mean would you be against adoption?”
“Hell, no.” I rear back, slightly offended because we were foster kids. I would’ve been thrilled to be adopted. Then I think about her words and wonder. “Do you want to adopt?”