Page 12 of Love Delayed
“Yes, you are, but can you box up your samples so I can take them home to my fiancé? He will gladly make them disappear.”
I nodded and then disappeared to the back to pack up her samples. I was sure to send the gravy and honey butter. We chatted a little more when I returned to the front, and she assured me that I would get an email with the date and headcount so I could quote her a price. I was so excited because this would be my biggest job since I opened.
After she left, I got busy cleaning up, the whole time trying not to think of Marcus, but his words were on repeat in my mind like a scratched record.
“I never stopped loving you,” I said out loud.
Part of me wanted to show up at his hotel to ask him for another chance and to be a father to my child, but the more I thought about it, the more foolish I felt.
“Get over it, Zamora. Marcus is your past, and single motherhood is your future,” I told myself.
Once I finished cleaning my kitchen, I logged into my computer to check my calendar. With business picking up, I knew I would have to hire more people soon to keep up with the demand. So, I took the time to post an ad on several job sites. Before I shut down my computer, my notifications alerted me of an email from Eliana Spencer. I had a month to prepare for their seventy-five guests, and I replied that I would have a solid quote for her by the end of the next day. She then responded, telling me that her fiancé loved every morsel of the food. I smiled before replying to tell him thank you. Then I closed my laptop, placed it in my bag, secured the place, and headed home. During the drive, I fought hard not to think of Marcus, but it seemed a losing battle.
What am Igoing to do?I was in no position to pursue anything with this man, especially with me still married and carrying Evan’s child. I wished I could have a drink to numb me a bit from the sadness I felt, but the glass of wine I had with Marcus was enough. Even though I couldn’t stand the sight of Evan, I already loved my baby. Therefore, I had to take care of myself during this pregnancy. And that meant no stress, no booze, and no Marcus.
After my shower and a quick dinner I threw together, I called my mother to check on her and my dad before calling Zaria. She was so sure I was lying when I told her nothing sexual happened between me and Marcus, but after the twentieth time I said it, she finally accepted that I was telling the truth.
When I expressed to her that I wished my situation was different so I could have pounced on him, she snickered and replied, “I bet. Now, when are you going to tell Evan about your bundle?”
“Soon. I don’t want to, but I know I have to. The thought of co-parenting with Ev for the next eighteen years makes me sicker to my stomach than the morning sickness I’m experiencing.”
“It’s early, Zee. You have options.”
“Really, Zar? You know me, and you know that would never be an option for me. You may not believe in the Most High, but I do. Divorcing is hard enough for me. So, please don’t ever say that shit to me again!” I shot at her.
“You’re right, Zee, and I’m sorry. I promise not to say that again. You and I have different views, but I meant no disrespect.”
“Thank you. Getting pregnant wasn’t in the plan after things went south with my marriage. I believe this baby is in His plan, not my own. So, I’d never consider aborting my child or giving it up for adoption. This baby is a part of me. No matter how bad the timing is, it is what it is. I’m not bitter or sad about it. I’m happy. Yes, Evan is the last man that I’d like to co-parent with, but there was a time when I tried to have a baby with him. I don’t know the Most High’s plans, Zar, but Abba is still the head of my life. No matter how many times I stumble, I repent and keep striving to do my best.”
“As you should, Lil Sis. I don’t have to believe in what you spiritually believe, but I will never stop supporting and loving you. No matter what choices you make for yourself, I’ll support you. I’m happy that I’m going to be an auntie.”
“Thanks, and after I tell Evan, I’ll tell Momma and Daddy. It’s still sinking in. I was a bit sad at first, but not anymore.”
“We got your back, Zee. This baby will be loved and adored.”
“Absolutely,” I agreed and then yawned.
“Well, I’ll let you go. You know I’m always a phone call away.”
“I do, and I love you, Zar.”
“Love you, too, Zee. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay, goodnight,” I said, yawning again.
After we ended our call, I headed to bed, and as soon as I shut my eyes, I heard the garage door going up. I tried to tune out the noise of Evan moving around the house, but my eyes opened when I heard him coming closer to my room. Seconds later, there was a light tap on the door.
“You have to be kidding me,” I mumbled, sitting up in my bed. “Come in,” I called out as I leaned over to turn on the lamp.
When the door opened, Evan stood there looking like he had been in a fight. Worry hit me quickly, and I sprung up from the bed.
“Ev, what on earth happened to you?”
“I’m okay, Zee. I just had a scuffle with a man Terri is now seeing,” he said, moving over to the chaise that anchored the foot of the bed.
“What? I thought you and Terri were moving in together. What in the hell, Evan?” I asked, confused.
“I lied, okay. I lied about the DNA test results. I never tested her kid. I met her son’s real father tonight, and let’s just say things ended badly. I’m sorry for everything I put you through, Zamora. I know we can’t go back, and I know there is no starting over for us. But I need more time here at the house. I need to stay here in the guest room until I find a place.”