Page 40 of Love Delayed
It was no use in trying to fight it. I had to act on it. Again, hurting Eliana was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had to be honest with all parties involved.
I had to tell Eliana goodbye, confess to Zamora that I never stopped loving her and wanted another chance, and give my parents substantial notice that I would be leaving the company. Yes, for me to be completely happy in my truth, it would involve hurting my parents, too. It was all a huge risk, but it was finally time for me to have the courage to fight for what I truly wanted.
The next morning, I got up early to make it over to Eliana’s before she left for work. I called her to let her know I would be by but got her voicemail again. Since it had been hours since we spoke, I was starting to wonder if she still felt some type of way about Zamora helping me with changes to the hotel’s menu even though I had included her in the meeting. Refusing to wrack my brain any longer about it, I headed to her place to provide answers if she had questions and to ask a few questions of my own.
When I pulled up to the light a block from her place, I saw her on the porch. I watched as she locked her door, walked down the porch steps, and headed to her car. I silently cursed the light, wanting it to hurry and turn green so I wouldn’t miss her. Then I saw her open her garage door. I released a breath and relaxed, thinking she was about to pull into the garage. But when her vehicle’s reverse lights came on, and she started slowly backing out of her driveway, I raised an eyebrow. Around the time that the long-ass light changed, I noticed a dark SUV pulling out of her garage. Not wanting to draw attention to myself by causing the cars behind me to blow, I pulled over a few feet away to the right and parked across the street. I watched the truck pull out. Next, a man got out and walked over to her driver’s side. In a state of disbelief, I stared in their direction as she lowered her window so he could lean in and kiss her. Then, with a smile, she gave him a flirty finger waved goodbye. After he got back into his vehicle, she pulled away, passing me on my left without noticing me. The SUV pulled out behind her, also passing me on my left. I caught a glimpse of his license plate in my rearview mirror.RUSH 1?A honking horn jolted me out of my trance.
Convinced that my eyes were deceiving me, I called her again and again and again. I did not want to believe I had seen my fiancée kissing another man. After my fifth attempt, I pulled into her driveway, exited my car, keyed in the code to open the garage, and entered her home. The smell of bacon hit my nasal passages as soon as I stepped inside. I headed to the kitchen to find two of everything in the sink. The plates had been rinsed but not placed in the dishrack. Nothing else was disturbed, so I headed to her bedroom to do more sleuthing. Their essence still lingered in the air, and her bed had been stripped of its linens. The shower walls were still damp, but no towels were hanging to dry. When I returned to the first floor, I heard the washing machine. It sounded as if it was on the spin cycle. Feeling as though I had been punched in the gut, I fell back onto the wall. It was clear to me. Eliana had spent last night with another man.
I grew angry, but why?Iwas coming over to declare my love for another woman,so why am I pissed?I asked myself as I headed for the door to make my exit.
I lowered her garage door and started laughing when I got into my SUV. I laughed so loud and hard that my eyes teared up. I was mentally cheating on her while she was physically cheating on me. This was like a scripted movie, but it was happening to me.
After getting my laughter under control, I grabbed my phone and texted Zamora. I’d deal with my fiancée later.
Me:What’s on your agenda for today? I need to talk to you.
Zee:Two back-to-back events. Is everything good?
Me:Yeah, everything is everything. What time will you be done?
Zee:Well after nine. After the bridal shower, there is cleanup to do.
Me:Can I see you later tonight?
Her response didn’t come right away. I kept staring at the three dots in the bubble. Then, after a ten-minute gap, she replied.
Zee:It may be after ten.
Me:That’s cool.
Zee:Okay, but do you think the hotel is a good place to meet? I don’t want no drama.
Me:Trust, there won’t be any drama at all.
Zee:Okay. I’ll let you know when I’m headed there.
Me:Sounds good. See you soon.
With that, I went about my day feeling fiancée-free lighter.
Chapter Twenty-One
I checked the kitchen at my catering spot, but no luck. The décor I needed for this setup was at my old place, along with the other packed things I hadn’t yet retrieved. I didn’t want to go back to that house, but I had no other choice. Thank goodness it was eight in the morning; I had some time to spare without risking being late to prepare for the event. When I got to the house, I pressed the button to open the garage door and saw an unfamiliar car parked inside. I didn’t think Evan had purchased a new car, but it wouldn’t have been my business if he had.
I exited my vehicle and went into the house through the garage door, praying I would quickly find what I needed so I could get back. As I searched one of the rooms that had been redecorated during my absence, I saw I still had too many items left at that house. I told myself that I would get the rest that upcoming week.
“Baby, is that you?” I heard a female’s voice call out.
Seconds later, the female entered the living room where I was standing.
“Who the hell are you?” she blasted when she laid eyes on me.
“Who am I? Bitch, who the fuck are you? And what the fuck are you doing in my house?”
“Yourhouse? This is my man’s house. Now who the hell are you, and who gave you a damn key?” the petite, light-skinned, lab-enhanced, over-averaged ass-to-hip-and-thigh ratio sister bellowed, holding up a spatula in her hand like it would do some damage if we got in a brawl.