Page 47 of Love Delayed
“Are you serious, Zar, I mean, this is so important to me.”
“Sis, I got you,” she assured me.
“Thank you soooo much,” I squealed. “Let me get you a top and apron,” I said and headed to my office. I opened the tiny storage closet and grabbed a new apron and polo shirt. She changed, helped me load the catering van, and we were off.
As promised, Zaria was a great help and polite as ever. Another successful event catered for by yours truly for the books. Afterwards, she came back to the shop to help me clean up the mess I made in the kitchen during preparation.
“Thanks for letting me help, sis,” Zaria said as she grabbed her purse to leave. “It was more fun than I thought it would be. I can see why you held strong to your passion. I know losing Marcus was heartbreaking, but you did something meaningful for yourself. I respect that, lil sis.”
“No, thank you. I don’t think I could have pulled it off without you. And to circle back to what you asked me a few moments ago before my rude bladder interrupted us. I am finally over the breakup and over him. It’s been so long that I’m over it.”
“Say what now! You over Marcus? The lies you tell, chile,” she said, adjusting her purse strap on her shoulder.
“No, not completely over him, but I’m over it all. I don’t want to stay stuck in the past or on him. Plus, I forgot to mention I have a date tonight.”
“Shut up! Give me all the tea,” she said as I locked the shop behind us.
When I told her there wasn’t much to tell just yet, she made me promise to fill her in on the details later. Then we hugged and went our separate ways. Once in my car, I checked my phone to see that Jayden had sent a text confirming our date, and I replied that I would meet him in the lobby. Then I prayed things would get better for my future––that I would love again and be blessed with the right person who would love me the way I deserved to be loved.
Chapter Twenty-Five
After leaving the hospital, I thought it would be best to go home and get some much-needed sleep. I was exhausted from being unable to sleep well at the hospital because that chair was not the most comfortable piece of furniture ever made. Once I parked, it took me a moment to get out of the car. I didn’t know why, but I just sat there and let my mind wander.
It was amazing to me how Eliana lied with a straight face like it was nothing. How crazy it was for her to think for a fucking second that I would believe her ass. Nine weeks! Nine whole fucking weeks pregnant, and she thought I would fall for that “the condom broke” bullshit. Just thinking about this shit made me chuckle out loud. This shit was really happening to me, and I wondered how long she had been raw dogging her ex. Was it the whole time we were together? Did she plan to keep fucking him after we were married? So many questions swam around in my head, and I felt like a damn idiot.
I had a mind to crank up my vehicle, go back to the hospital, and ask every question that was bombarding my mind, but it wouldn’t make it any better. It wouldn’t lessen my hurt, and I would feel like an even bigger fool for allowing that bitch to talk to me after what she did. So, instead, I exited my vehicle and went inside my house.
I stripped down to my boxers, but before getting in the shower, I went to pour myself a stiff drink and downed it in one swig. I questioned myself, trying to figure out if I was hurt because I loved and cared for Eliana or because she had played me like a fool. I never thought she could be so low down. I’m just glad her shit came to the light before I married her ass.
Then there was the thing she mentioned about my mother having supposedly told me something. That was nagging at me, and I was anxious to get to my mother to see what was really going on. If my mother knew and didn’t tell me, that would literally break my heart. My mother and I were close. So, the thought of her knowing something this horrible and not telling me made my head hurt.
I downed the rest of my drink, poured another, and then commanded Alexa to play 112. Maybe love songs were the last thing I needed to hear, but I wanted to hear something that reminded me of Zamora. She loved 112 back in the day.
No matter what, she was always my happy place. Thoughts of her usually calmed me down. Just thinking of her made me feel better. Then, at that very moment, I felt relieved that I no longer had to keep my feelings at bay for her now that my trifling-ass fiancée was out of the picture. Zamora did break my heart once upon a time, but it’s not because she was a dick-riding ho like Eliana. She went off to pursue her love for cooking. It was my stupid ass who chose to break it off with her, not the other way around.
I set my drink down, put my face in my hands, and sobbed. I had a mixture of feelings going on inside of me all at once: sadness, anger, frustration, regret, and to be honest with myself, part relief. After wiping away my tears, I polished off my drink and headed for the shower, where I stayed for a while, enjoying the steam from the hot water and letting my mind wander.
When I got out, I did my routine of lotioning my body and brushing my teeth and then laid it down. I desperately needed sleep and was out as soon as my head hit the pillow. By the time I woke up, it was after eight o’clock at night. I could not believe I had slept that long. I planned to go to my parents’ house and have a talk with my mother, but I really wanted to see Zamora. I grabbed my cell phone and wondered why I hadn’t heard back from her since the night before, but when I went to my text messages, I realized I never hit send. The message I intended for her to receive hadn’t even gone out. So, I revised my message, asking if she was free, and then made sure I sent it this time. After waiting ten minutes and not receiving a reply, I dressed and headed to the hotel. I did not know what was going on with Zamora, but I desperately needed to talk to her.
Chapter Twenty-Six
After receiving the text from Jayden letting me know he was downstairs, I did my final mirror check and headed out the door. When I made it to the lobby, he was standing by the information desk, and I went over to greet him. He was well dressed in a dark blue button-down shirt and black slacks, and it looked like he had gotten a haircut for the occasion. I hadn’t noticed how nice his beard was the night before, but it framed his face perfectly.
“Hi. How are you?” I asked.
He pulled me in for a quick hug. “I’m great. You look amazing,” he complimented.
“So do you,” I returned.
“Thanks. Shall we?” he asked, extending his hand for me to hold.
I took it, and we headed towards the restaurant. We were immediately seated, and most of the staff spoke to me as they passed by.
“You come here a lot, I see,” he commented.