Page 18 of Enzo
“You’re not planning on chopping me up into tiny pieces, are you?”
“I wasn’t. But if you’re into knife play, babe, I’m sure I can get on board,” he offers.
“I’m not.” I laugh.
“Okay, so no knife play then. Got it. What about whips and chains?” he asks me.
“Seriously? Are you into BDSM kink?” Maybe I read him wrong. I don’t know if I can actually do this.
“I’m into fucking you. How ever and wherever you want me to fuck you, piccolo ladro,” he says. “Whatever tickles your fancy, I’m sure I can deliver it.”
I consider his words. I’ve never actually been asked what I wanted when it comes to sex.What do I want?
“I want to be able to forget who I am, just for a moment. I want to let go and do something I know I shouldn’t do but want to do anyway. I want to be free,” I tell him honestly.
Enzo pulls into his building.Was he already coming here?
I was so lost in my head I wasn’t paying attention to where he was going. He turns to me, a serious look on his face as he cuts the engine. “I don’t know what you’re running or hiding from. But if all you want is one night, I’ll make sure by the time we’re done, you won’t even remember your own name.”
“You have that much confidence in your skills?” I ask him.
“I’ve never had any complaints. Come on, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this.”
“You only met me yesterday,” I remind him while climbing out of the car. “Technically, this morning, since I was passed out last night.”
“I saw you a week ago, and ever since then, my cock has been fucking hard.” Enzo takes hold of my hand and leads me towards the elevator. I have to almost jog to keep up with his strides.
Silence engulfs us as the metal doors close, and we start ascending. Enzo’s hand tightens around mine. I glance down at our joined palms. “You scared I’m going to change my mind?”
“Sorry,” he says before loosening his grip. “You can change your mind at any point, Kayleigh. I’ll always stop whatever we’redoing if you need to.” The doors open and he leads me to his apartment door. Then he bends down and picks me up bridal-style.
“What are you doing?” I squeal the moment my feet are swiped out from under me.
“Carrying my wife across the threshold. It’s bad luck for our marriage if I don’t.” He winks at me.
“We’re not married.” I shake my head at him. I could never actually be married to a man like Enzo Valentino. Someone who walks on the wrong side of the law.
“Well, I did tell someone we were. Word on the street has probably already spread around town about our nuptials. People in this city love to gossip. So, for tonight, you, Kayleigh, are mine.”
Enzo’s smile makes my heart beat a little faster.Why do I want to be his?
He takes long strides as he carries me through his apartment, my arms wrapped around his neck. I lean closer and inhale before I can stop myself. People aren’t supposed to smell this good. It’s a woodsy scent, kind of like being in the forest after it’s been pouring down rain and the sun is finally shining through the branches.
My body flies through the air and I land on my back on the softness of his bed. It’s the same bed I woke up in. His bed. I didn’t think too much of it this morning, but now that I’m back in this room, I’m curious why he put me in his bed. Surely this apartment has more than one bedroom.
I should have snooped a little more when I had the chance…
A coldness washes over me. I’m here for work. I’m supposed to be getting a case against this man’s family. And here I am, ready to give him my body for nothing more than the pleasure that’s promised in that heated gaze of his.
Chapter Thirteen
Isee the moment reality sets in with Kayleigh. She’s in bed with a monster. My bed. And I plan to consume her. Body and soul. I’ll let her believe that this is a one-night thing, but the more I think about it, her being my wife isn’t the worst idea.
Surely there’s some law about an agent building a case against their in-laws? I know you can’t testify against your husband or wife, so I’m going to assume it works kinda the same.If not, she’ll have to leave her job anyway. Who would take her seriously when they find out she married me after she was put here to investigate my family?
And then there’s the Frank issue. I don’t know what she’s hiding, but being the wife of a Valentino will give her the protection her job can’t. I thought maybe she had something to do with his arrest, but that thought didn’t last long. She would have only been around thirteen when Frank went away.
Tonight is not going to be about uncovering her secrets, though. Tonight, I’m going to give her exactly what she wants. A night she’ll never forget.