Page 1 of Volatile Vice
Iwasn’t completely honest with Savannah about why I went to the Buddhist temple.
It wasn’t just to alleviate the guilt of leaving her and Mikey back in the States at the whim of the family. And it wasn’t just to work through what my grandfather had done to me.
It was because I found myself involved in something far more sinister.
One fateful day, I ended up in a secluded alley in Prague, where a crooked wooden door creaked open to reveal an underground gambling den. There I met Misha—a man whose green eyes gleamed with dangerous amusement.
His real name was Mikhail, which threw me—the Slavic version of Michael. I thought of Mikey, who I’d left at home, and guilt overwhelmed me. When Misha offered me an opportunity to make a huge profit, part of me felt like I was talking to my brother, so I jumped in with both feet.
Misha was searching for a hidden treasure buried in the heart of Eastern Europe.
I was intrigued—and also desperate for some easy cash.
But it turned out not to be so easy. I dived into Misha’s world, abandoning my odd jobs and my pursuit of quiet anonymity. He gave me a firearm but told me not to use it unless I had to defend myself.
A year passed. I lived in shadows and chased ghosts. Misha kept me busy while he sometimes disappeared for days at a time. His name notwithstanding, I didn’t fully trust him, but I found myself enjoying the chase. Every time doubt crept in, Misha would return, always with a new clue, a new lead.
I got sucked in, and the whole thing became a game to me. Did I think we’d really find treasure? Maybe at the time I did. It gave me a creative outlet, something to do.
Until I realized it wasn’t all that different from what I’d fled from at home.
I was becoming bound to a different kind of family. Not my mafia family, but an Eastern European underworld. Misha operated under different rules, but the principle was the same—secrets, power, betrayal.
I had to get out. But how?
One cold night in Bucharest, I got my chance, but it wasn’t the way I imagined it.
Misha told me he’d uncovered the final piece of the puzzle, located within the grip of a rival gang. We’d need to be quick. We’d need to be strong.
“Are you afraid?” Misha asked me.
“No,” I lied through gritted teeth.
“Good,” he said. “Fear will only lead to your demise.”
The gang had set up their base in an old chateau. The stone structure was imposing as hell and full of foreboding darkness.
As we moved through the corridors, our footsteps muffled by the worn-out rugs, my heart pounded. The echoes of raucous laughter and clinking glasses reached us, growing louder with each step we took. Misha led the way. He was in his element. Danger was his drug.
Until he turned on me.
To this day I don’t know why. Maybe because I presented a challenge to him. Maybe he decided he wanted all the loot for himself. Or maybe he was just batshit crazy.
But that night, I had to do something I swore I’d never do.
I took a life.
It was self-defense, but I still had to move quickly and quietly to avoid being caught.
I learned to travel during the night. Change my appearance when necessary.
And I was done with crime.