Page 81 of Volatile Vice
I look at Raven, really look at her, and find a strength within those dark eyes that both frightens me and ignites a spark within me.
I gently brush her hand off my arm. “I can handle this. You don’t need to put yourself in danger for me.”
“It’s not about what I need,” she replies, tucking her phone back into her pocket. “It’s about whatyouneed.”
“You’re impossible,” I mutter, rubbing my temples as if that could somehow rub away the inevitable headache this situation was bound to cause.
“I prefer ‘relentless.’” She smiles. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
Before I can respond, her phone chimes with another text. Her face hardens as she reads it. Then she turns the screen to show me.
Stay away from Gallo. This is your last warning.
“Fuck,” I mutter.
“We’ll work this out,” she says softly.
“We?” I grab her shoulders forcefully. “There is no ‘we’ in this, Raven. This is my life, my family, my problem.”
Her dark eyes don’t flicker in the face of my outburst. Instead, they harden as if cast from steel. “Your life becameourlife when you told me you love me. I’m not backing down now.”
I gape at her, momentarily struck dumb by the steel in her voice. Then, with a deep breath, I compose myself, letting go of her shoulders. “Raven, you don’t understand. My grandfather is dangerous. He doesn’t make idle threats.”
“He’s not the only one who can be dangerous, Vinnie.” She crosses her arms defiantly. “I’m not one to be scared off by threats.”
I swallow. “And what if he decides to make his point a little clearer next time? What if he tries to hurt you?”
“We’ll face this together, Vinnie.” She places a hand on my cheek. “That’s what people who love each other do.”
“We’re not normal people, Raven,” I reply bitterly, “and this isn’t a normal situation.”
“No,” she agrees. “But we are two people who care for each other deeply. And I swear to you —”
I look up to see Savannah rushing toward us.
My heart races again. Something must have happened.
“Is she okay?”
Savannah grabs my hands. “Thank God I found you. Yes, Mom’s out of recovery. She’s been transferred to her room in ICU, and we can see her now.”
I wrangle out of Raven’s grasp. I look deep into her eyes. “Please go home. I don’t want you here.” Then I turn, unable to look at the sadness that is no doubt covering her face at my words.
Savannah’s jaw drops, but she says nothing, simply leads me back.
“Have you seen her?” I ask Savannah.
“No, not yet. The doctor says you and I can go in together.”
“All right.”
She nudges my arm. “Vinnie…”
I shake my head. “I can’t talk about that. I absolutely can’t. So don’t ask.”
Savannah gulps and simply nods.