Page 31 of Mountain Security
He imagined that was Yvette’s mentee.
“Alex,” he said, when it was his turn. “I’m—“
“A friend,” Yvette said quickly, stopping him from having to finish the sentence.
Giggles around them increased to a crescendo. He guessed it wasn’t common for Yvette to show up with someone else. That made him feel good.
The instructor nodded. Acceptance was written on her face—acceptance and a challenge.
“In the last session, we spoke about incapacitation.”
“When an assailant can no longer be an immediate threat,” the girls chorused.
“Today, we’re going to model mugging self-defense through step-by-step mastery of techniques. Remember, an assailant may well be a head taller than you. You still need to be able to incapacitate him. Alex, if you could please step onto the mat. You’re going to help me prove this. ”
Alex winced inside, but did as requested.
Marie approached. Alex stood his ground, wondering what she was had in mind. The wondering didn’t last long—instants later he was flying through the air. He landed hard on his back, letting out a surprised wheeze.
Okay, then.
There was a sharp intake of collective breaths. Everybody in the room seemed to be waiting for his reaction.
Alex grinned, gamely.
“I wasn’t ready for that.”
Marie laughed. “Let’s try it again, then. Now grab me from behind.”
Over the next ten minutes, Alex kissed the mat multiple times. He’d never realized there were quite so many ways to hit the ground.
The girls were openly laughing now.
Marie quietened them down and started breaking the first technique into steps. When she was done, she split them up into pairs to practice.
Alex ended up with Yvette—his reward for being such a good sport, he hoped.
Yvette’s expression, when he looked up at her, was pinched. He frowned.
“Are you okay?” she asked. “You were in the hospital yesterday.”
Her concern warmed him. “I’m fine,” he said. “I didn’t even need to go to the hospital.”
“You didn’t?”
“Ry was scared of contradicting you after theice princessthing,” Alex said, laughing.
Yvette’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll keep that in mind for the future.”
“Remember the steps, everyone,” Marie said, circling the room.
Alex remembered the steps, but grappling with Yvette was different. As he stood behind her, he could smell the light, flowery perfume she always wore—and underneath that, an even more enticing smell that was justher.
He placed his arms over her shoulders—felt her shiver, and knew intuitively she was shivering from desire. She felt it, too, this maddening, delicious desire.
His cock hardened. He winced, knowing there was no way she didn’t feel that, with the way they were standing.
“I’m sorry,” he said, pulling his lower body away.