Page 41 of Mountain Challenge
“I think I need to go to the hospital too,” Ry said.
Isla was pulling clothes out of the machine—she was glad most of her clothes were black, as it meant less time spent sorting—when her phone rang.
It was her personal phone, not her work phone, and it was an unknown number, so she almost didn’t pick up. Chances were, it was someone trying to sell her something she didn’t need and couldn’t afford. But the unknown number nagged at her, so on the fourth ring, she picked up. “Hello?”
“Hi, Isla? My name is Alex Wright. I work with Ry.”
She felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. Because there had to be a reason Ry wasn’t calling her himself. He’d said he would, and Isla believed him. What’s more, she wanted to speak with him. She wanted to be clear about why she’d acted the way she had earlier—yes, she’d let her triggers get the best of her—but also why she couldn’t see him anymore. Because she wasn’t about to becomethe other woman.
But none of that mattered right now, because this wasn’t Ry calling.
“Is Ry okay?” she asked.
“We’re at the hospital. Ry’s going to be okay,” the man added quickly. But not quickly enough. Isla felt bile rise to her throat. Regardless of what they might agree or disagree about—even if they couldn’t be together anymore—Isla didn’t want Ry hurt.
“Are you sure he’s okay?” It had to be bad, or else Ry would call her himself.
“He hurt his shoulder during a rescue.”
Shit, his shoulder again.
“He’s in surgery, but he asked me to call you and explain.”
Isla realized her jacket and shoes were on—she’d put them on without even realizing it. “I’m on my way,” she said, half-expecting Alex to tell her not to come, but he simply gave her directions to the hospital.
Isla drove twice as slowly as usual—last thing she wanted was to get into an accident because her head wasn’t in the right place. When she reached the gray hospital building, she drove right past theUrgencesentrance and parked in the second parking lot to the left, as Alex had instructed.
Taking what passed for a deep breath, she went through the glass doors. There was a waiting room to the left, lined with empty plastic chairs, and another one to the right, this one full of people. A tall red-haired man stood up and strode towards her.
“You must be Isla,” he said, offering his hand for her to shake. “I’m Alex.”
Isla shook automatically but barely heard the next thing he said, her full attention on the beautiful woman walking into the waiting room from the entrance on the opposite side.The woman from the slopes. She looked different, of course—the first time Isla had seen her, she’d been smiling widely. Now, those full lips looked pinched and drawn with worry.
Isla clenched her teeth. She shouldn’t have come. She should have stayed home. Maybe she could still leave. Maybe?—
She pulled at the hand in Alex’s grasp, but it was too late. The woman was making a beeline towards them. Isla tensed, not knowing what to expect. Expecting anything, perhaps—except for the woman to reach out on tiptoes and plant a kiss on Alex’s mouth.
The couple didn’t seem to notice Isla’s surprise—probably wouldn’t have noticed anything short of a meteorite falling on their heads. Finally, the woman broke the kiss. As she noticed Isla, an apologetic smile crossed her face. “Sorry. I’m Yvette.”
“You and Alex …” Isla shook herself.Obviously she and Alex.
A surge of embarrassment hit her then, and Isla was sure her face was lighting up like a Christmas tree. Ry hadn’t been two-timing her. Her triggers had gotten the best of her. Thankfully, Alex misinterpreted her discomfort. “If she looks familiar to you, it’s because Yvette is the mayor’s Chief of Staff,” Alex said, pride in his voice.
Yvette smacked him lightly on the arm. “You don’t have to tell everyone, you know? Forgive him.” Her expression went serious again. “How’s Ry?”
“Still in surgery. Valentina’s with him and promised she’d tell us something as soon as she could,” said the big man standing in the corner. He wore the same navy blue uniform as the others. The serious expression on his face softened as he approached. “I’m Beau Fontaine.”
Isla nodded, shaking the man’s hand.
“I … I just wanted to see that Ry was okay.” Half of her still wanted to run, but she stood her ground.
“I’m glad you’re here, Isla,” Alex said, taking her by the arm. “Let me introduce you to the rest of the team. That’s Lorenz, and Tristan. And that there is Hugo.”
She shook all their hands in turn.