Page 36 of Tye
Ramirez, Nando, Bobby, and the rest of RCPD wanted revenge for Justin and Dan. Justin’s death had rocked them, and Dan’s paralysation had scared them further. The truth was, someone in the RCPD or Hawthorne’s may out Demi to get even. Even though she was as much as an innocent as Fury’s other victims.
“See,” Demi whispered.
“We’ll find a way to be together. I just found you, and I refuse to lose you,” I swore as I cupped her face and kissed her.
Chapter Eight.
Christian gazed at me like I had lost my mind as I bullied him into hooking up the sleigh. He was glowering at me as I’d also blackmailed him into driving it for me.
“We’re quits after this,” he growled out as he hooked the English Shire horses up.
“Yup,” I agreed.
Christian sent me a disgusted stare. Two years ago, I’d caught him smoking a joint. He swore it was the first and only time he’d done it. Which meant I kept my mouth shut but watched him like a hawk. And, of course, it was great blackmail material. I had something on all my siblings, and they had dirt on me. The rules to the game had been made long ago. We could use the incident once and then it was useless. And you couldn’t blackmail your way out of a blackmail either.
For example, Christian knew that Fanatic, Carmine, and I had stolen an expensive bottle of Dad’s whiskey one Christmas. We got completely hammered on it and drank the whole thing. However, as hungover as we were, we weren’t going to own up drinking it. So, we replaced it with a cheaper one. Naturally,Dad noticed, but nobody owned up, although he probably had suspicions. But there were so many of us that year he couldn’t point the finger for sure.
Falcon and Nova had also helped drink it. Which meant we had material on them, too, and vice versa. It was the way of the Legacies, Princesses, and Hellions. We all blackmailed one another.
“This is done and gone,” Christian insisted.
“I said that, bro. Chill. I will get some blankets, and if you stop whining, I’ll get you one,” I replied.
Christian hissed at me as I walked away, hiding my smile from him. Touchy bugger. But the truth was, it was a relief to see a little of his old self. Christian had been a happy-go-lucky kid until Harley’s attack. It sucked for him because he’d had it bad with his stepfather and then had it good, and then the shit returned. Christian had locked himself down after Harley was hospitalised. Since he’s started at The Trusts, we’d caught glimpses of the old Christian.
I had to collect a hamper from Mrs Ames and find Demi. This was another surprise for her. As I entered the house, I ran straight into Mom.
“Going out again?” she asked, arching her eyebrow.
“Have fun,” Mom said with a wink.
I groaned, and Mom laughed.
“Nothing is a secret in this home, Tye. You should know better. And things are looking up for me. Carmine’s with Molly, and now you and Demi, hell, I might get grandchildren by next Christmas!”
“Mother!” I yelped as she scurried towards Dad’s office. Oh, I realised what she was up to. I cringed as the lock engaged and knew Mom and Dad would be busy for at least an hour.
I hurried away; I knew Mom and Dad weren’t old, but nobody wanted to hear their parents or think of them getting it on.
I rounded the corner, heading for the stairs to the man cave, and bumped into Carter.
“Looking for my niece?”
“Yes.” I didn’t bother lying.
“Don’t mess her about,” Carter warned. “Demi’s special despite her birth. My niece has a heart of gold and deserves the best. Are you, Ice?”
“No. Nowhere near, but I’ll break my back for her.”
“You have known Demi two days,” Carter states suspiciously.
“And that’s all it takes for a Rage brother. Some of us know with a glance, others take a couple of days. But once we claim a woman, we’re all in,” I said honestly.
A laugh came from behind me.