Page 48 of Tye
“Yeah. He blames, and I quote, ‘Michaelson’s faggot brother fucked up my career’. There was more writing with similar beliefs and thoughts,” Nando said.
“He is fuckin’ unbelievable. West was the one spewing insult and making slurs. How the hell did Carmine mess up his life?” I demanded, feeling shocked.
“The idiot’s insane,” Phoe stated.
“He’s something. He attacked me. What’s happening to him is justice,” I insisted.
“The Chicago PD discovered a laptop and checked his search history. What they found was disturbing. West had researched how to make bombs and how to kill from afar. We think the bomb today was one of West’s. Not being a bomb-maker, he would have done shoddy work, and that’s why it detonated before you got in the car,” Nando said, and Demi and I both paled.
“You’re saying there is an amateur wanna-be bomb maker running around, and I am his target?” I demanded.
“Thinking worse,” Bobby mused as his eyes landed on me. “If West had stayed and watched, he’d have seen you with Demi and your reaction when you thought she was hurt. He won’t have a clue who she is, but I bet she’s in danger, too.”
“Are you telling me there’s another insane asshole after my grandbaby?” Spike demanded.
“Yes,” Nando replied.
“Pack your shit. You’re going to join your aunts. We don’t need your gun arm that badly,” Carter snapped.
“The hell I am!” Demi retorted.
She was still pale, but there was a fire in her eyes.
“Ain’t arguing. Two assholes after you is more than enough,” Deke interjected.
“No. Simple as that. No. You can’t force me,” Demi refused.
“Demi, I need you safe…” I said and broke off at the look she offered me. I recognised that expression from Mom. No way was I going to argue now.
“Your needs do not supersede mine. Ice, you cannot pressure me leave, and should you throw me out of your home, I’ll book a hotel. Just because I have tits and a pussy and not a dick doesn’t make me weaker than any of you. And I don’t see anyone urging Ice to hide,” Demi snapped, and I kept my mouth shut.
Yup, I definitely was familiar with that mood.
“She has a point. Would you call Irish or Artemis weak? Give Demi her due,” Mom said, and Demi sent Mom a grateful look.
“What are you doing about this threat?” Dad asked.
“First of all, we’re trying to track West. We’ve only just got this information. If he is here and this was him, every cop in the city will be looking for him. Ramirez and Ben found parts of the bomb, so they’re rushing them to the lab for DNA analysis. It might not be West; we may have a bomber on our hands.”
“That’s a disturbing thought. I don’t know which is worst,” Mom replied.
“Do you have a plan?” I asked Nando.
“Yes. The threats West left behind on paper and had spoken to people were enough to get a warrant for his arrest. If we find his DNA on the components of the bomb, the FBI might take over. Willow has already been in contact with Ramirez and is working with him. West is being hunted. We need you and Carmine to keep local. Don’t go out unless you need to; stay away from public places.
“The more he gets frustrated, the more innocent people are likely to be hurt. I’d prefer you to stay at the Hall where West would have a hard time getting through security. If you won’t do it for yourself, Ice, think of your woman. This may be conjecture, but I’ve got no doubt West will target her, too. Especially if he can’t get to you. He’ll take whatever he can to make you suffer,” Bobby stated.
“The little kids?” I leapt to my feet.
“There’ll be heavy security escorting the bus to and from the school. Liz is already on that,” Mom said as she held my eyes.
“Maybe I ought to leave or draw him out?” I suggested.
“No!” Mom, Dad, and Demi all cried.
“I’m not going to endanger my family.”
“Shut up, son,” Dad ordered, and I did as I was told. “I’ll call Willow, see if she can put pressure on the lab to get the results quicker.”