Page 52 of Tye
I recalled Demi saying last night that him scamming the old ladies hadn’t been reason enough for killing. But the asshole had beaten two of them badly, which is what resulted in his death sentence. Demi had stood up for victims, and that meant something to me.
Matthias pulled into the parking lot for The Trusts and Demi, and I ran the report up to Mom.
I would have loved to have stayed and shown Demi around, but clearly, it was hectic today, and Mom had a meeting booked. Instead, I offered to take her to Rage as we walked down the stairs.
“I’ve never seen inside an MC clubhouse before,” Demi said.
“Let me show you,” I replied with a grin.
“I feel like a bad girl,” Demi teased, laughing.
Matthias and Josh followed us across the road and as we approached Rage, I saw a flash of something. Matthias was moving before I realised what was happening, and Josh tackled Demi down to the ground. I hit hard and screamed as my shoulder took the brunt of the fall.
The breath left my lungs as I cried in pain and rolled. Matthias turned with me, covering my body, but took the pressure off my shoulder. Tears welled in my eyes as the agony encompassed my entire body, and there was a loud roar and a whoosh, and I realised another bomb had gone off. Matthias lifted his head as someone screeched at us.
“Why won’t you fucking die?”
I shook away the ringing in my ears, and everything came rushing in at once. It was overwhelming, but my mind took in several factors at once. Matthias was still covering me and not moving fast. I guessed he was injured.
I caught sight of Demi under Josh, her eyes wide and shocked. Then I saw West dancing on the street as he kept screaming at me.
Without a conscious thought, my good arm reached for Matthias’s weapon, and I drew it and aimed at West. My aim wasn’t as steady as I liked, but I fired and missed. Cursing, I tried again as West stared at me in shock.
“You’re trying to shoot me? What the fuck?”
Was he whacked or something? The asshole had just used a car bomb to try and kill me.
“Die, fucker! You fucking faggot and faggot loving brother, bastard!” West screamed.
I pointed the gun a third time and fired, and West jolted and then ran away. He was screaming as he did so. People began flooding the street as my arm dropped, and I lay under Matthias, who was moving sluggishly. West needed putting down, I thought as Apache slammed to his knees beside me.
Matthias was slowly moved off me as Josh sat up and kept guard over Demi. The roar of a vehicle on fire was close, and sirens wailed in the distance. As I looked at the burning car, I wondered what the hell was West thinking of. Innocents could have been harmed. Whatever he was doing, he wasn’t thinking straight anymore. Hatred and insanity had consumed him.
I was fine, and the doctors released me immediately. Ice was in x-ray and I’d not been allowed to follow. Matthias was also there, but Josh was by my side, uninjured. The waiting room was filling with Rage or their women. Two of their own had been hurt, and it touched me at how they all came.
“Is McKenna held here?” I whispered to Josh.
He glanced at me and pursed his lips.
I added, “I’m not going to hurt her.”
“Hawthorne will have my head,” Josh said, and I glared but subsided. I waited ten minutes and then headed to the toilet. Josh couldn’t follow me. I ducked down a corridor and followed instructions to the wards where I hoped McKenna was. On spotting a nurse heading towards one of the locked doors, I grabbed her with a friendly smile.
“Hi, I’m here to see McKenna Clark.”
“What ward is she on?”
“Ward One-two-zero,” I answered, reading the ward numbers
The nurse frowned. “We don’t have a Miss Clark on there.”
“Are you sure? She told me she was,” I replied, looking surprised.
“Quite sure, let me check,” she said and walked to a reception set in the middle of the four ward entrances. Knowing my luck, McKenna would be on a different floor. She logged into the computer and typed in McKenna’s name.
“No, sorry, she’s not on that ward,” she stated.