Page 9 of Tye
I winced a little, and she removed them.
“Like I got hit by a truck. Seriously, what happened?” I rasped. The mask may have been giving me oxygen, but it annoyed me now.
“Kieran West. He attacked you after your last goal. It took six people to pull him off you,” Jodie muttered.
I shook my head and stopped. That hurt like hell.
“Damn, I don’t remember.”
“Good, because it was nasty. The whole scene was on TV and everything. Your coach and team are up in arms. There’s a real storm happening now, and the Armourers are in some shit. People recorded some of what West was saying to you, so that’s all over social media, as well as his attack on you. And now, well, a Michaelson has made the national news once more,” Jodie replied.
“Mom?” I hissed.
“Mum’s coming. You were calling for her. She’s on a flight right now,” Jodie soothed.
The door opened, and a nurse peeked in.
“Tye’s awake!” Jodie exclaimed, and the woman nodded.
“I’ll inform the doctor,” she said and left.
“Friendly sort,” I commented, and Jodie snorted.
“Yeah, the nurse clearly doesn’t like my handsome, megastar, big brother,” Jodie teased and stroked my hand.
“Jodie, what’s wrong with me because it’s like I’ve been hit with a truck, and I’m well aware my body is numb through some good shit?” I asked.
Jodie shook her head. “Let the doc explain, Tye. The police are also here. They want a statement. Keiran West was charged with assault and attempted murder. It was more than a brawl.” Jodie’s voice broke, and tears welled in her eyes. “Tye, I was in the crowd and couldn’t get to you!”
Shit. Jodie had witnessed what West had done first hand. Her agony was written all over her face.
“Were you alone?” I asked, and she nodded.
And that made it all the worse. Poor Jodie must have been panic stricken. I couldn’t imagine what she’d suffered while she’d been trying to reach me.
“By the time I reached the ice, medics were carrying you off. Security wouldn’t allow me through until your friend Roberts spotted me. Roberts and Ward grabbed me and got me through security as they were placing you in the ambulance. They let me ride with you,” Jodie explained.
“How long have I been here?”
“Nine hours. Mom had to sort care for the little ones and get the plane prepped. Dad stayed with the kids, but Micah and Harley are coming. Christian and Cody are staying to run The Trusts. They’ve done a brain scan, and guess what? Docs discovered you have one!” Jodie teased.
I pouted, and Jodie laughed a little, but there was hysteria behind it. Weakly, I squeezed her hand.
“West fractured your skull. Bastard was ramming your head off the ice. Your helmet protected you from major trauma, but you’ve got bruising and swelling. He dislocated your shoulder when he threw you against the glass. Tye, he broke your clavicle, humerus on your left arm, and acromion. Asshole also broke four ribs when he slammed you with his stick and jumped on top of you.”
“Is there anything West didn’t fuckin’ attempt?” I complained. Not a surprise that I was on strong meds then. No doubt my body was wracked with agony right now, and blissfully I couldn’t feel shit.
My eyes closed, and Jodie made a noise. “Stay awake, big brother. Just to see the doctor.”
I smiled and drifted back off.
“Did I say I didn’t trust you? That’s my son lying there, and he’s having guards at his fucking door. I don’t give a fuck that you claim Tye’s safe here. Tye’s clearly not. That asshole was taking pictures of him in his bed. If my other boy hadn’t of caught that damn reporter and smashed the camera, Tye’s images would be all over the media. No. Your security is shit, and I don’t trust it! That is not saying I don’t trust you, although the way you’re acting, I’m glad Doc Paul is coming!”
Ah, the dulcet tones of my mother on a roll. Someone was getting their ass handed to them.
I winced at the throbbing in my head. It was worse than before.