Page 23 of Autumn Falls
“I like waiting for you. I want everybody to know I have the hot officer. River is with the family. Now we need to go find the rest of the family and go get some goodies. I’m feeling a bit hungry.”
I pull out a pack of trail mix from my bag that I prepared this morning just in case, and hand it to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t feel like eating sweetheart.”
She scoops a handful into her mouth and chews. After she swallows, she says, “It’s okay I’m sure the whole morning sickness will pass soon like it did the first time.”
We walk up and find Noelle holding my son and I take him into my arms. He quickly hugs me like we haven’t seen each other hours ago, but it doesn’t matter because I love his little hugs and I’m going to miss them when he doesn’t offer them freely. “Hey buddy, did you miss daddy?”
“Yeah.” He’s only two, and he’s growing fast. With this little one on the way, we’ll have two boys in no time. My parents picked on me telling me I’m going to need a much larger house soon and I’ll be catching up to my grandparents. Although I’m positive I won’t mind.
The smell of apple pie hits my nose, and I know we’re not far from Griselda’s stall. “Time to stock up for your dad.”
“It looks like we don’t have to,” Autumn says. He’s standing there looking good and holding a stack of pies.
“Hey, save some for us,” I called out.
“I was just picking up some for all of us.”
“How’s it going Griselda?”
“It’s wonderful you guys are keeping me in business. I do like the reduction in price on the apples this year.”
“Well, it’s been a good season, so that does help. I’m looking forward to tasting this apple pie with dinner tonight. It looks and smells amazing.
“Thank you.” We make a little more small talk before another group of people come up, wanting some of that pie goodness she has waiting. So we left her shop and strolled over to the pumpkin displays and picked up a small pumpkin for our boy. Immediately he tries to grab the biggest one.
“Of course, it has to be like his daddy and taking the best one,” Noelle says, pressing her head on Autumn’s shoulder and rubbing her belly.
“That’s so sweet, but I’m certain that my girls are both the best,” her father says.
Autumn can see me arguing that Noelle’s right about her. My wife is perfect in my eyes, so huffs and gives her best villainous smirk before adding, “How about we all head home for lunch because I’m hungry. If I don’t some food in me soon, I’m liable to bite somebody.”
“We can’t have that now.It’s not good manners to teach our son.”
“I’ll remind you of that later.”
“He won’t be seeing when I bite,” I growl against her ear and then I take the slightest nibble without our son seeing it.
“I think little man is going to get an education if Mommy and Daddy aren’t careful.”
“The whole damn town is,” my father says. “Perhaps we better go. Should we take him with us?”
“No, we’re only teasing. Besides, I’m still hungry and that comes first right now.” She is freakishly adorable when she huffs. The baby belly only adds to the cuteness. I just don’t understand it, but I can’t get enough of it either.
Twelve More Years Later
“Part those legs, woman,” he growls. Fuck, I need to get laid today. My own thighs do the opposite and slam shut as I bite my lip and try to concentrate. Having six kids running around the house along with a bunch of guests makes it a little difficult to get time alone with my busy husband who has been working to finish up last-minute business matters for the orchard before we change to the winter season. There is still plenty to do, and as his business assistant, I have a part, but my duties are still as wife and mother which is a much bigger role.
What I really need now is his bigger roll between my legs, making me scream. Two days and it feels like an eternity. What is wrong with me? I’ve gone longer without it, but I feel like I’m in heat. “Why must you say it like that? It’s a damn turkey, Owen?”
“Because I’m horny too, beautiful and I see that damn look in your eyes. It’s the way you get when you’re riled up. Tell me, is there something you want to share with your husband on our anniversary.”
“It’s not our anniversary.”
“It’s the day we met fifteen years ago, and you’re just as sexy as ever, and even more horny.”
“Let me get this bird in the oven and then meet me in our bedroom.” I do as he says, getting heated because I’m about to come if he touches me. The second my husband busts through the bedroom door his eyes meet mine and there’s nothing but lust in them.