Page 18 of Depraved Desires
He shrugged. “I don’t really care if I win.”
I rolled my eyes, annoyed with his self-loathing. He wasn’t the only one that felt some kind of way about this, but nothing could be done about it. The only way forward was by accepting it for what it was. I’d known for a while that Collin wasn’t like us. Not as unhinged and fucked up. Maybe he didn’t belong in our group. I loved the guy like a brother, but this was my life. I did things like this every week, and Foster and Hunter were just getting darker as the days ticked by. Collin couldn’t handle it.
“That’s just your depression talking. Once you get some liquor in your veins, you’ll feel better.”
“That’s your answer to everything,” he grumbled, bringing his gaze to mine. “Do you even have a fucking heart, or are you a full-on sociopath?”
Heat filled my veins, but I kept a calm exterior. It’s something I’ve perfected over the years, and always made my expression unreadable. Occasionally, when I got too angry, the mask would slip. But it was a work in progress. Lacing my fingers together, I cracked my knuckles, trying to think up an appropriate response.
Finally, I blew out a breath of air and leaned back in my seat like I didn’t have a care in the world. I’ve come to learn that it made me look more intimidating. People feared unpredictability more than aggression.
“Just because I don’t spend my time crying about my emotions like a pussy-whipped little bitch doesn’t mean I don’t feel,” I drawled calmly. “I do have a heart, and it races. Especially when there’s blood involved.” I shot him a wink, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth.
Collin’s eyebrows bunched together as he processed what I said, but there was no time for him to reply because Foster and Hunter chose that time to reappear, carrying a tray of drinks.
Hunter set them down on the table and they joined us—Foster taking the seat beside me and Hunter taking the one beside Collin. The fishbowl was placed in the center of the table, its contents appearing sweet, if the Swedish fish were any indication. Foster continued passing out the drinks until we all had one and I immediately shot mine back, relishing the heat of the bourbon as it warmed my chest.
“This was a good idea,” Hunter praised, slapping his hand against Collin’s back. My lips curved up into a small smile as Collin’s face contorted into annoyance. The kid might have been devastated now, but after a few several drinks, I’d be surprised if he remembered Aspen Palmer’s name.
Rocky’s words from this morning ran rampant in my head.Make him fall for you.Yeah, like that was going to be easy. I hated him with a fucking passion. How the hell was I going to pretend that I liked him? I’d tried to pry more answers from him, but what he had to say wasn’t very helpful. He thought that if I got Collin—the biggest player in the academy—to fall for me, then I could somehow come between him and his friends. Like make him choose between us or something. I didn’t see that happening at all. Madison attempted the same shit, and it didn’t go well for her.
We were currently seated in the car outside of some clothing store. As if Rocky hadn’t already done enough for me, he wanted to buy me some more clothes so that I could get out of the ones I’ve been wearing since yesterday.
“Where are we?” I questioned, peering through the window with uncertainty. Maybe it was paranoia, but since we left Redwood, I’ve had this bad feeling like I was being watched or something.
I rolled my eyes. “No. Where are we?” I repeated, raising an eyebrow as I turned to face him.
“Oh. Brookhaven. You’ll be completely safe here, but just in case, we’re hitting the salon after this. You need a new style if you’re going to go allHarley Quinnon these motherfuckers.”
A snort of amusement left me. None of this felt real. I came to the academy for a fresh start. I was bullied so badly, it fucked with my head and then I was thrown into the water. I was meant to die, but I’d been given a second chance. One that wouldn’t be wasted. Now, I was about to go shopping with a guy I never expected to befriend.
“Fine. But I’m not dying my hair blonde, pink, or blue.”
A breath of laughter slipped past his defenses, and he nodded. “Deal. Let’s go ahead and get you inside.”
With reluctance, I stepped out of the vehicle and slowly made my way toward the entrance. Rocky’s shoes sounded against the pavement from behind me as we neared the front doors.
“Let me get that,” he offered, moving to stand in front of me. I watched him with curiosity as he pulled the door open and motioned for me to go inside.
My lips parted in shock from the generosity, but I stepped inside anyways. It felt weird having a guy hold the door open for me. I wasn’t sure there were any guys like that left. A small smile split my face as I acknowledged his kindness.
He led me to a section where band T-shirts adorned the walls. “I thought it would suit you,” he admitted upon noticing my skepticism. “They have dildos in the back.” He winked.
A surprised laugh left me. “You brought me to a sex shop for clothes?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “They have nice clothes here. Plus, you do have that whole ‘rocker chick’ thing going for you.”
I rolled my eyes. “That one will do.” I extended my arm, pointing to a black shirt with the word ‘Kiss’ sprawled across it in a thick, white font.
“Kiss, it is. Now, how about that dildo?”
“Not a chance in hell.”