Page 56 of Depraved Desires
My eyes drifted to meet the female’s I had restrained. To my surprise, she didn’t seem deterred in the slightest. Her chest moved at a steady pace, her large breasts jiggling with every breath. She was calm.
“We’ve all done fucked up things,” she pointed out in a husky whisper. “Maybe she deserved it.”
Heat spread through me at her words. It took me long enough, but Aspen didn’t deserve it. I wasn’t sure anyone did. Sighing, I shrugged, letting her believe whatever she wanted for now.
“Years later, I saw her again,” I continued. “This time I had different friends. For whatever reason, I wanted to make Aspenpay for snitching on me for what I did to her. My friends were helpful with that. Long story short, we raped her again, and then killed her.”
This time, the woman on the bed froze, her breath stuttering. “Y-you’re fucking with me,” she accused.
Oh how I wish I was.
I didn’t have to say anything for the answer to dawn on her; my silence was enough. Turning my back, I moved to my bag and grabbed my knife. Usually, I’d fuck my victim, but I was no longer in the mood for that. Turning back to face her, her eyes dropped to the weapon snug within my palm. Immediately, she started fighting against her restraints, trying to free herself, but it was pointless. Whimpers slipped past her defenses with every move she made, her chances for freedom fading with every step I took toward her.
“Why are you doing this?” she demanded, tears already coating her eyes.
“Because we all do fucked up things, remember?”
A sob tore from her throat once I finally reached her bedside. Taking the knife, I placed the blade against her darkened nipple. “Please,” she begged. But her begs quickly turned to screams when I chopped the bud clean off. Blood ran down her breast and across her ribs, causing my dick to stir to life. I wanted her to look as ugly as she was on the inside before I killed her.
Next, I drove the knife into her shoulder blade, missing all major arteries. Her words became incoherent as she uttered them, the pain taking over and consuming her.
“On the bright side, I don’t think your family will miss you much.” I smirked. Gliding the knife down her stomach, I stopped right where her pussy was. Curving my arm, I ran the blade right up inside her with such ferocity, she gagged on her own cries. I thrusted the weapon inside of her two more times before withdrawing it. The silence within the room was loud as shefaded in and out of consciousness. But I wanted her conscious when she died.
My final movement was driving the blade into her eye socket and watching as the life faded out of her good eye.
I probably wouldn’t have been nearly as brutal if she hadn’t said what she did about Aspen. Aspen was off-limits. Now she’d never utter those pathetic words again.
I told the guys that I probably wouldn’t go to the club due to having shit to do, but after all that adrenaline, I needed a breather. Hell, maybe even another victim. Reaching into my bag, I stared at the club looming mere feet away as I retrieved a small plastic pouch. My fingers grazed along the clear rocks within it, excitement pouring through me at the high that awaited. Placing a decent sized rock in my mouth, the bitter taste melted against my tongue right before I quickly swallowed it down and took a sip of my water. This was the good shit.
It didn’t take long for the drug to do its job, and before I knew it, a sheen of sweat slickened my skin. My breathing came out labored as my pulse raced, the blood roaring in my ears.
I returned the pouch back to my bag and zipped it up before throwing it over my shoulder. I used to get high nearly every night, but it’s been a couple weeks now and it hit much faster than it normally did. I was in for the high of my life, especially considering it hadn’t even hit its peak yet.
The cool wind was nice against my hot skin as I trekked through the parking lot and toward the massive building onlyfeet away. My dark bangs blew against my forehead, offering me some contrast to the blazing fire within me.
After I checked in at the front desk and paid my fee, I searched for the guys inside. Several people crowded the dancefloor as the music blared around us, while others were at the bar, and the remaining few were being serviced by women.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Collin said, elbowing me in the side as he approached, the guys in tow right behind him. A smirk played around the edges of his mouth as he raised an accusing eyebrow.
I shrugged. “Didn’t want you assholes to miss me too much, so decided I’d make an appearance.”
Foster snorted in response, a playful glimmer to his light, blue eyes. “Well, you haven’t missed out on much. We haven’t been here long. Just grabbed a drink.” He inclined his head toward the opposite side of the club where the VIP section awaited us.
My hands trembled at my sides from the drug coursing through my body and I nodded, my lips as dry as the fucking desert. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten such a big rock; it was kicking my ass.
We made our way through the assortment of bodies dancing against one another until we reached the VIP section. Collin sank into the armchair beside the sofa, leaving me and Foster to take the couch, and Hunter sat on our opposite side in the chair. We had a clear view of the downstairs area from here and could see the main stage if we decided not to purchase our own entertainer for the night, but we usually did.
Hunter looked at me, his eyebrows pinched as he took in my appearance. “You good, man?” he asked, concern filling his voice. “You look clammy.”
I huffed a laugh and nodded. “I’m great.” It was the truth. My entire body felt like it was on cloud nine. My leg bouncedrepeatedly, the urge to move was strong. Maybe I’d hit the dance floor at some point.
A blonde headed woman stepped into our section in nothing but a light blue thong and bra set. She offered us each a champagne flute before handing me the menus. Raising the glass to my lips, the beverage slipped down my throat with ease, cooling off my insides momentarily. Considering that the last thing I wanted was food, I handed that menu to Collin and looked over the one with the girls.
The woman talked to Hunter, rambling off her name and some other shit I didn’t care about. At least he was keeping her entertained so I could take my time.
One girl caught my eye on the second page. Her hair was long and red, her eyes as dark as Hunter’s.Annabelle.Keeping her in mind, I flipped to the last page, raking down it with interest until another girl caught my eye. Squinting, I took in her appearance. Light green eyes, purple hair, freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose to either cheek, and tattoos in all the places I’d carved our names into Aspen. My breath hitched. The resemblance was too much for it to be a coincidence, but I had to know for sure.
Clearing my throat, I directed my attention to the blonde once again. “We want Violet.”