Page 69 of Depraved Desires
“Here,” Myles said, offering me a cup of fireball. “Hunter told us how much you like it.” He smirked, causing my face to heat.
Hesitantly, I reached for the cup and placed the rim to my lips, sucking down a large mouthful. My chest instantly burned from the intrusion of the fiery beverage, but it was nice. The last time I had fireball was with Hunter and Raven. My heart clenched at the memory. We’d played a game of dare and we both ended up sucking Hunter off before he made the two of us kiss in front of him.
As if sensing my inner turmoil, Hunter’s grip tightened around my waist. “Relax.” He breathed.
I could do that. Just for one night, I could relax andforget. I needed this like I needed oxygen. Ever since everything happened, my mind has been on anger and revenge constantly.It was exhausting. I’d go back to plotting when we got back to the academy. There wasn’t shit I could do now, anyways. No point in stewing while everyone else had fun.
“What’s that?” I asked, reaching forward to scoop up the baggy containing the little clear rocks. The same one that Hunter had taken earlier.
“Meth,” Myles answered easily. “Want some?”
My heart thudded beneath my ribcage sending warning bells to the back of my brain. I’d never done meth before, but I’d heard the horror stories. Meth was one of the worst drugs you could submit to. It had a way of changing a person and ruining their life. Worrying my lip between my teeth, I pushed a steady breath out. Did I want this? Was I willing to take the risk?
My life flashed before my eyes. Foster home after foster home, beating after beating, Avery’s blue eyes, the possibility I’d never see her again, Myles, the academy, Raven,everything. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my hands trembling around the baggy. What did I have left to lose? Reluctantly, I nodded and passed the bag over to Myles who had never taken his eyes off me.
I watched as he opened the bag and grabbed a toilet paper roll, ripping off a tiny piece and wrapping it around a rock.
“You can smoke it if you’d rather do that. The high isn’t as intense that way,” Collin offered.
I bit my lip nervously. I didn’t know a lot about drugs, but to me, meth was meth. It didn’t matter how it was ingested. Before I had a chance to reply, Myles was handing me the substance. My nose scrunched up with disgust as I eyed the toilet paper.
“It’s called parachuting,” Myles supplied with an amused twinkle in his eyes. “Just swallow it quickly and wash it down.”
“Why not eat it straight?” I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.
He shrugged. “You could, but it’s harder on your organs and mouth if you do it like that.”
Blowing out a breath, I braced myself before putting it in my mouth and swallowing. I took a large gulp of my beverage, washing it down like he’d instructed. Hunter’s fingers ran soothing circles along the meat of my hip, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my body. Suddenly, I wasn’t sure if getting fucked up with them was the smartest thing I could have done.
They would have killed you by now if that was their plan.
I tried clinging to that thought and relaxed back into Hunter, my chest beating at a rapid pace. My hands worked through my long hair, smoothing it out over one of my shoulders. While the guys continued doing drugs, I focused on my drink. It didn’t take long for me to finish it and then Myles was refilling it for me.
After about three drinks, the high started to kick in. My entire body grew hot from both the alcohol and meth, making me jittery. My leg bounced repeatedly as I glanced around the room, my eyes locking on Foster’s. He was leaned back in the chair, his face flushed and eyes glassy. How was he so calm? My mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts, but they raced through so quickly, I couldn’t settle on a single one.
“I-It’s hot,” I stammered, pushing my bangs back off my forehead.
“It is,” Hunter agreed. “You want to step outside for a bit?”
I nodded eagerly and climbed off his lap, my head spinning from the sudden change in motion. Hunter inclined his head for his friends to follow before leading me out the back door. The cool air licked at my skin instantly, and while it should have been enough, my internal body temperature was through the roof.
I looked around, the inground pool coming into view. Part of me wanted to get in, but the other part of me was afraid of drowning. Nausea settled within my gut as flashbacksresurfaced. The pond, how the water had filled my lungs, the aching in my limbs as I fought for air.
“We can sit in the shallow end,” he suggested. “There’s a step we can sit on. We won’t let you get hurt.” His hand ran over my back, and I couldn’t help but lean into his touch. It felt nice.
“Okay,” I said a little too quickly, the heat in my body expanding from the alcohol and drugs I had taken.
He took off his shirt, his face as flushed as Foster’s was and his pupils blown wide. I watched as he kicked off his pants and boxers, my gaze dropping down to his dick. My thighs clenched together from the want—no—theneed. Fuck. What was in this shit? The other guys started stripping around us except for Collin who settled onto a plastic chair, his heated gaze roaming over me.
I couldn’t imagine how I looked right now. These guys were obviously no strangers to hard substances, meaning they had more of an immunity to it.
Hunter took my hand and led me to the pool. He climbed in first, sitting on the second step. The cold water brushed against my skin as I entered, my breath leaving me in shallow pants. He scooted back and guided me to the spot in between his legs, his hardness brushing against my lower back. How was he still hard? Wasn’t the cold supposed to make it shrivel up? Must have been from whatever he’d taken. I was submerged in the water all the way up to my ribs, the slight waves of the liquid hitting my breasts every now and then as the other guys climbed in.
“How do you feel?” he asked, pulling my back flush against his chest.
“Like I’m on cloud nine.”
A laugh rumbled through him, and he grabbed a fistful of my hair, jerking so that my head fell back. A small gasp left me as he peered down, his eyes locking on mine. This time my heart was pounding for entirely different reasons. My back arched, causingmy ass to press against him more. He released an animalistic growl, his eyes flashing with pure desire.