Page 75 of Depraved Desires
I rolled my eyes. “Why? Jealous?”
He snorted in response and placed a plate down on my lap before doing the same to Collin. “Hardley. Just an observation.” He sneered down at me before leaving the room again, presumably to get his own food.
“Asshole,” I muttered, glaring at the food in front of me. I wouldn’t put it past him to poison it.
Collin nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything. Instead, he started shoveling food into his mouth. Reluctantly, I did the same. The flavors danced along my tongue, making me crave more and more of it.
As we ate, Foster and Myles shuffled into the room. Myles took the seat beside me, leaving Foster to gravitate toward the chair across from us.
My skull ached from last night’s events. Even though the food was good, it felt like sandpaper against my tongue. I’ve heard of comedowns before, and I didn’t recommend. However, the high had been so mind-blowing, I wanted to feel that way again. Ineededto. Consequences be damned. It was so freeing. I felt like I could do anything. The thought of dying hadn’t even scared me. What a dangerous substance. Dangerously delicious.
Once we finished eating, I collected mine and Collin’s plates and rinsed them in the sink before setting them in the dishwasher. Now that I was sober, I could see much more clearly. All of the floors were wooden aside from the bathroom. Even the walls were made of wood. The entire place had a rustic look. From the strange paintings to the mounted deer head on the living room wall. Something I hadn’t noticed before.
Walking back into the living room, Hunter caught my eye. He’d stolen my spot on the couch, causing my lip to curl in a sneer.Asshole.
“Need a place to sit?” Myles asked, his breath fanning against the back of my neck. My entire body tensed. He was a sneaky fucker, that was for sure. For some reason, he was making it his mission to make me as uncomfortable as humanly possible.
I turned to face him. “Is this your idea of foreplay?”
A wicked grin spilled onto his face, making shudders roll down my spine. “When I’m going down on you, you won’t even have to question whether it’s foreplay or not.” His gaze darted to my lips, a hungry look flashing through his blue irises.
I swallowed thickly, trying my best to keep the mask fixed on my face. He couldn’t see me crumble. He didn’t need to know the effect he had on me. He didn’t deserve it. “You sound so sure of yourself,” I sneered, leveling him with a hard look. “Arrogance is a real turn off.”
His jaw ticked, giving away his frustration.Hook, line, and sinker bitch. I was done letting these assholes string me around like a puppet. It was time for me to get creative. Myles wanted me to want him, which would never fucking happen. In true narcissistic fashion, he expected it. He probably wouldn’t be too happy if one of his friends got a taste of me first, though. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth at the thought.
Plan Myles: Piss him off.
I could do that. I’m sure Hunter wouldn’t tell me no when it came down to it. Not with how much he seemed to want me last night. If Collin wasn’t in so much pain, he’d be my first option. Then again…I could probably manage to fuck him without hurting him. He’d just have to lay there and take it like a good boy.
I turned away without another word and strode back into the living room. I stole the spot Myles would have taken had he beenable to beat me to it, putting me right next to Hunter and the arm of the furniture.
Hunter was back to avoiding me. That much was clear, considering the fact that he wouldn’t even glance in my direction. I rolled my eyes, focusing them on Foster instead. His gaze was already pinned on me, his jaw tight with tension as he took me in. It wasn’t a secret that he hated me. And after last night, that probably just made him hate me even more. Not that I gave a shit.
“You’re in my spot,” Myles supplied as he came to stand in front of me.
I peered up at him and shrugged. “I got here first. Snoose, you lose.”
He narrowed his eyes at me, his patience thinning and giving way to the monster lurking beneath his skin. Sometimes I forgot just how terrifying he could be. “You know our deal,” he replied in a dangerously low voice that had chills racing down my back. “Spread your legs and get whatever you want from me, or…lose it all.”
I wanted to shout at him that I wasn’t a damn prostitute, but given my career choices, that would be difficult to argue. A frustrated huff of air left me and I turned my head, not wanting to look at him a second longer. What the hell was his obsession with me? First, he wanted to kill me, now he wants me to have sex with him.
“Put her on the floor where she belongs,” Foster snapped, drawing my attention back to him.
Anger surged through me. He promised not to torture me. Humiliation was definitely a form of torture last time I checked. “Do that, and I will raise all kinds of hell, asshole.”
There’s a pool out back. They’ll might drown you if you pushed them too far. They’ve done it once before.
My heart thudded rapidly in my chest as my subconscious taunted me. They wouldn’t… Collin wouldn’t let them. Right?
A cripple can’t do much, can he?
Myles tilted his head, contemplating what Foster had suggested, I presumed. Finally, a wicked gleam flashed across his face. He grabbed me by my arms, lifting me off the couch with inhuman strength.
A hiss fluttered past my lips from the bruising grip he had on me, and I started kicking him in the legs. Not that it did much good since I didn’t have shoes on. He cackled at my lame attempt and dropped me on the ground, making pain splinter through my tail bone. He sank down onto the couch, smirking at me like he’d gotten immense pleasure out of this.
“Fucking asshole,” I growled, scrambling to my feet.
“If you want it to stop, you know what to do.”