Page 91 of Depraved Desires
I had no idea what he meant by that statement and wasn’t sure I even wanted to know. “I’m not a possession, Myles. Why do you guys get to decide everything for me?”
His lips tilted up at the corners as if he found amusement in what I’d just said. That only caused my blood to boil hotter. My hands balled into fists within my lap as that familiar rage I’d grown so accustomed to burned through my veins.
Finally, his eyes met mine for the first time in what felt like forever. “I thought you enjoyed beingpossessed.” He smirked. “Don’t you like being owned, Aspen? Marked? Ours?”
I swallowed thickly, the air around me seeming to thin. My chest felt heavy from the pressure of my heart pounding against it ferociously. Did I like those things? Or was he just being an arrogant asshole per usual?
Chalking it up to the latter, I rolled my eyes, refusing to give him what he wanted. He was still on my shit list, and I wasn’t about to pretend that he didn’t have a hand in trying to kill me. Laxatives were only the beginning of what I had planned for him.
“I’m sure the others won’t put up much of a fight when it comes to getting rid of me,” I hedged, ignoring his previous comment altogether.
Foster hated me. Collin was busy entertaining other girls. Hunter seemed indifferent about the entire thing, and I was sure he hated me just as much as Foster did. Myles was really the only one who seemed to want me around for reasons I couldn’t quite understand. Hadn’t he sworn to make my life miserable? To kill me? I was still alive, and he hadn’t made a single move against me since taking me from the club. What the hell was he planning?
Myles didn’t reply. Nor did I expect him to. The drive back to the academy was filled with silence once again, yet it was more comfortable this time than it had been before. We’d usedHunter’s car so we had a place to put my clothes, rather than having to carry them or stuff them in a bag. Not to mention, it was getting way too cold outside with winter approaching and a motorcycle ride wouldn’t have helped matters.
Once we parked, Myles stepped out first, leaving me to follow. He grabbed my change of clothes from the back, nestling them in his thick arms. An icy gust of wind blew my hair behind my shoulders, nipping at my ears and neck. A shiver rumbled through my body, making me wrap my arms tightly around myself for warmth.
“Who am I chained to tonight?” I asked once we were secured inside the building with the heater blasting.
I blew out an annoyed breath. I suppose he was a better option right now than the others, but it still frustrated me.
Myles led the way to the elevator, and I stepped in beside him. My fingers opened and closed a few times as I tried desperately to get heat back into them. By the time we stopped on Hunter’s floor, my hands and ears felt normal again.
My mind drifted back to Monroe and how protective he’d been when I showed up with Collin. He was completely off-limits and that just made me want him more. Not that those words could ever be uttered out loud. Aiden Monroe had made it perfectly clear that nothing would ever happen between us again, and for once, I was trying to respect that. His life was complicated.Mylife was complicated. It would never work.
Was this what maturing felt like? If so, I didn’t want it.
When we got to Hunter’s room, Myles didn’t even bother knocking, walking in as if he owned the place. I hesitantly trailed in behind him, regretting that decision immediately. Bile burned the back of my throat as my gaze assessed what I was seeing, and my brain worked overtime to process it.
Collin and Hunter were completely naked on the bed with some brunette woman I’d never seen before placed between them, equally as nude. Hunter was buried to the hilt inside of her from behind while her mouth was working up and down Collin’s cock, milking him like he was the best lollipop she’d ever fucking tasted.
It was one thing to hear about Collin fucking other women, but it was a completely different experience to actually have to witness it. Did I even have a right to be upset? Probably not, but I couldn’t turn my emotions off. The female’s moans carried throughout the room, the three of them oblivious to their audience. Hunter’s head tipped back in pure ecstasy as he pounded into the girl roughly.
I’d seen enough.
Turning around, I stalked right back out into the hallway, closing the door gently behind me so they wouldn’t be disturbed. I leaned my back against the wall on the opposite side, my breathing coming out erratic as I tried to calm my racing heart.
“For fucks sake.” Myles’s voice drifted out into the hallway, followed by muffled conversation that couldn’t be heard from where I stood.
I blew out a shaky breath and glanced toward the bare ceiling. I’d never been a jealous person, easily able to get over things that guys did to me. Whether that involved another girl or not. My first thought, when I saw the naked girl between them, taking them both, was that I wanted to rip her away from them and pummel her to death. That wasn’t a reasonable reaction. Why the hell did I even care? They certainly didn’t give a shit about me. Maybe distancing myself from them would be the best for all of us.
The door creaked open, capturing my attention and causing my heart rate to skyrocket once again. I didn’t want them to see how upset that had made me. HowweakI’d become.
The girl stumbled out into the hall, her long, brown hair in disarray as she stared back at me, resembling a deer caught in headlights. At least she was fully dressed now. She fisted her denim jacket as she spared me one last look and then sped down the hallway at a quick pace. I stared after her. She was flawlessly beautiful with olive skin and a thin figure. Her hips swayed effortlessly as she walked, revealing a decent-sized ass that only made my jealousy spike.
A heaviness settled over me and the distinct feeling that I was being watched grazed my skin. Returning my attention to the door across from me, Myles stood, leaning against the frame with his arms folded. A single eyebrow shot up in questioning as he watched me, and heat flooded my body. Maybe running out like that wasn’t the smartest thing to do. It made it seem like I cared.
Schooling my features to the best of my abilities, I shrugged nonchalantly—like I didn’t have a care in the world. “Figured they’d want some privacy.” To my credit, my voice didn’t come out nearly as shaky as I’d expected, almost sounding believable.
He stared at me for a long moment, his gaze boring a hole in my face. I hated the way he watched me. It was like if he stared hard enough, he could see into the depths of a person’s very soul, and I hated it.
“Is that so?” he challenged, not seeming to believe me in the slightest.
I swallowed before nodding.
In the car, Myles had called me theirs. Plural. But this just proved how delusional he was. They weren’t mine, and I wasn’t theirs. Regardless of whatever spin he put on it.