Page 47 of Her Older Sheikh
The interrogation begins as soon as his limo cruises out of campus, and Nik and I are facing each other in the backseat.
"How long have you been having these headaches?"
"Weeks." It's been months actually, but what's a couple of days, right?
"And you never bothered to get a checkup?"
"It's just aheadache."
Nik's gaze narrows, and I fight against the urge to squirm like I have something to hide...which I do.
The two of us might butt heads all the time, but that doesn't make me any less aware or grateful for all that he's done for Io and me. He's the reason my sister's still alive, and that's why I can't ask him for anything more. It's time I learn how to stand on my own feet, even if he doesn't agree with it.
"There's something you're not telling me," Nik says finally. "Isn't there?"
Shit, shit, shit.
"Can you give me a week?" I ask stiffly.
"For what?"
"To get my shit together."
I hold my breath when Nik studies me in pensive silence. The billionaire isn't one to make snap decisions, but neither is he the type to go back on his word. I know his overprotective ass is dying to force me to accept his help, but all I'm asking for is a week. Just one week for me to at leasttrysolving my own problems—-
"A week then. But if I don't like what I see in a week..."
The warning in his tone isn't lost on me, but I'm too relieved to care.
You da best, God.
A week is not much, but it's still something, and I can't afford to let this something go to waste.
If I don't get my shit together in a week, Nik will take over like he usually does, and since the billionaire is big on honesty, that likely means letting my sister know about my headaches.
My sister, who's finallystress-free...because she now happens to becancer-free as well.
And for her to stay that way, I need to make sure I don't give Io anything to worry about.
Me:I really need your help. I only have one week to "fix" myself.
Karen:You need the right mindset to start with. You have NOTHING to fix.
Me:You got me there. =/
Karen:It's okay. I've been in your shoes, obvs.
Karen:I know what it's like.
Me:I just got so used to spending every minute of my life worrying about my sister.
Karen:And now that you don't have to, you realize you don't remember how to live for yourself. Right?
Karen:I know you're not going to take my advice on this, but I just have to say this for the nth time—-you need to let your family know what you're going through.