Page 56 of Her Older Sheikh
"I had a feeling you'd say that," Madeleine says with a wince. "Does this mean you're going to push through with the whole fantasy thing?"
"What's the good news?" I ask jerkily instead of answering her.
"I can't tell you how or why, but Icangive you my word that the other party isn't an asshole."
My eyes widen. "But—-"
"That's all I can say," Madeleine stresses. "But it's still better than nothing, right?"
THE PARKING LOT ATthe back of the school chapel is one of the few places that can assure me of complete privacy, and my fingers shake as I click on SFI's app.
Look at the bright side, Leah.
You asked God for a distraction, and He delivered.
Ergo: God is real!
I know my sense of humor isn't for everyone, but it works for me, and I can already feel the tension easing gradually from my body as I click onStart Encounter.
"Thank you for calling."
It's a relief to hear an automated voice answer my call. It make things more bearable if you will, since I don't have to worry about some CS agent judging me on top of everything else.
"Please enter your account number so we may verify your identity."
I type5324,and I hear a beep after a moment.
"Thank you for calling, Temptation."
I must've been really drunk last night, to choosethatas my secret handle.
"We will now forward your call toDoctor Somebody."
It's my first time to hear what the other party's secret handle is, and his choice makes me feel just a tad better about the whole thing. I was afraid he'd choose something terribly clichéd like 'Dr. Charming' or go for something outright vulgar like 'Dr. Big Cock'. Something like the last would've been a complete deal breaker for me, and I'd have rather sold my kidney than push through with the rest of this.
But Dr. Somebody?
It feels 'safe' for some reason, but since Madeleinedidsay this guy was no asshole, maybe I'm just stressing myself out pointlessly again, and—-
Was that a click I just heard?
Does this mean we're on?
Is it time to start playing?
Oh shit, why am I acting like I've just joinedSquid Games?
Get an effing grip, Leah!
The one who finally breaks the silence is the person from the other side.
I mean,end.