Page 7 of Her Older Sheikh
They usually do it when they've found the woman they want to fuck, and the fact that Mr. Mine is now purring like all of those sexy, fake-mean heroes in my favorites books—-
Get a grip on yourself...self!
"Is it because of this?"
Color steals over my cheeks as Mr. Mine places my phone on the table.
Busted, 2.0.
So I forgot about my little misdemeanor, and now I'm not quite sure how to atone for it. Should I apologize for secretly taking a photo of him? Or should I tell him I was just being selfless, and that I sincerely believed his photo can be an FDA-approved treatment for PMS?
It's hard to figure out what I'm supposed to say, with how I'm suddenly distracted by the way his black cotton shirt has stretched as Mr. Mine leans back against his chair.
Oh yeah, baby!
I still can't tell if he has chest hair or not, but at least the shirt does a great job at accentuating the amazing breadth of his shoulders and the incredible expanse of his chest. I'm not saying he'shugehuge like The Rock, but it's more like he'sooh-la-lahuge like Henry Cavill, and—-
The way his lips have this eensy weensy curve like an almost-smirk makes me realize I've been staring at his chest rather dreamily for quite some time...and that he's been watching me do it from the very start.
Busted, 3.0.
I can only look at him sheepishly at this point. "Sorry."
"For staring? Or for taking a photo of me?"
He'spurringagain, and my heart races away at the sound of it. I may be boyfriend-less since birth, but I know when someone's flirting with me, and I just want to pinch myself.
Mr. Mine!
Lust gushes out of me, and all I can do is hurriedly snap my legs close under the table. This has never happened to me before, and as shameless as it is to want this, but I really hope there comes a day I can tell him the truth.
I just think it would be cute, awesome, and kinky if I could one day tell Mr. Mine that he once asked me to do the impossible. I want to be able to whisper into his ear,I'm sorry, Mr. Mine. I really do want to obey you, but it's just impossible to be not wet when you're around.
One day, maybe.
I'll have a chance to say that.
But since I'm notthatconfident just yet—-
I look at him from under my lashes, which is my first attempt to flirt back,ever."Which do you think I should apologize for?"
Tiger-gold eyes gleam at me, and all I know of grammar goespoofbecause I. IS. SWOONING.
"I don't mind the former," Mr. Mine says lazily, "but the latter could get you arrested...maybe even killed."
I start to laugh...but stop when he seems utterly serious. "Uh..."
"You'll just have to trust me on this."
Oh, phew.