Page 78 of Her Older Sheikh
His tone is perfectly clinical like always, but even I know where this is going.
"I think I'll need to check your heartbeat a little more...closely."
I know I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but the same thought still ends up replaying inside my head:so that's how he's going to play it?
"May I?"
I don't even hesitate. "Yes, Doctor."
His gaze glitters as I utter the words, and heat builds deep in my belly.
Oh my.
He obviouslyloveshearing me say those two words.
I totally didn't expect that, but you can bet I already have it mentally filed underMost Important Things to Remember about Dr. Somebody.
My body starts to tingle as he reaches for the hem of my hospital gown. "May I?"
"Yes, Doctor."
I say the words again because I mean it, but I also say it because apparently...
Temptation is an "innocent" tease, and when my gaze darts down to his crotch—-
Did that bulge behind his pants just getbigger?
I think I need to stare harder, but I'm unable to, since Dr. Somebody has already started lifting my gown up, andoh God, oh God, oh God...
"Can you hold your gown up for me?"
He lets go as soon as I have it up securely, which also effectively blocks my gaze of his face.
So this is how it feels to have a man stare at your breasts...without seeing him.
I do still have my bra on, but like that matters when the whole thing's transparent.
My breasts are feeling heavier by the second under his gaze, but the fact that he hasn't said a word starts to worry me.
"Is there something wrong?"
I know I haven't the biggest boobs in the world, so maybe—-
"The opposite actually," Dr. Somebody drawls.
"I'm sure you've already heard this over and over, but you have the prettiest tits I've ever seen."
"It's a scientific observation, mind you."
IknowI should stay in character, but I'm unable to prevent my lips from twitching.