Page 20 of Out of Nowhere
Dex had worn the pants that ended just above his ankles, a pair of black suede driving shoes, and a white, short-sleeved button-down that was made out of a silky material. The pearl necklace rested just above his collarbones. Having Seo-jun look at him so appreciatively made him hot all over.
“Thanks.” The word came out hoarse. Dex felt his cock stir in his pants. Clearing his throat, he pulled away from the curb.
As he drove, Dex filled in Seo-jun on what he’d learned atTrendthe night before.
“Perhaps the vandal only comes to write the slurs and then leaves,” Seo-jun said, hands resting atop his muscular thighs, his long fingers absently rubbing the material of his pants. Dex always noticed Seo-jun’s hands—he liked them a lot. “He or she may be gay and hate themselves for it. Or they may hate homosexuals in general.”
Dex nodded, tearing his eyes away from Seo-jun’s sexy hands and looking at the road ahead. “Sounds reasonable.” Seo-jun was so damn hot, and Dex wanted him. He needed to rein himself in before he embarrassed himself.This is a job, Dex.
Trendwas even busier than the night before. At ten o’clock the parking lot was full, forcing Dex to find a space in an empty lot down the street.
“That music is loud,” Seo-jun commented as they walked down the sidewalk toward the club.
Although they were still a good fifteen yards away, Dex could hear the song that was playing inside the club well enough to recognize it. He didn’t remember it being that loud the night before. “We’ll both be deaf when we leave here.”
A noise coming from Seo-jun made Dex turn to look at him. “Did you justlaugh?“ he asked incredulously.
Seo-jun rolled his eyes. “I laugh.”
“No, you don’t. Your lip curls up sometimes, but you really don’t laugh.”
“You’re being ridiculous. Of course I laugh.”
“Sometimes your eyes light up with amusement,” Dex allowed, enjoying the tease. “But you never laugh.”
Seo-jun just shook his head and huffed at him.
They’d reached the club, and Dex opened the door for Seo-jun who flashed him a large smile that left Dex standing with both the door and his mouth wide open.
“Are you coming in?” Seo-jun asked, looking at Dex over his shoulder.
Dex hurried after him, almost tripping on the rug inside the door, catching up just in time to see Seo-jun give their names to the bouncer, who stamped their hands. At the bar, Seo-jun leaned in to give the bartender his order. “A bourbon and Coke, please.” He looked at Dex.
“I’ll have a Heineken.”
A man to Seo-jun’s left put an arm around him and leaned close, saying something Dex couldn’t hear. Whatever Seo-jun replied back made the man pick up his drink and walk away without another word.
“What was that about?” Dex asked, handing the bartender a twenty for the drinks.
“He wanted to know if I wanted to dance,” Seo-jun said. “I told him to take his arm off my body or he would lose it.”
Dex’s eyes widened. “Wow. Remind me to never touch you without permission.”
“Youdon’t have to ask,“ Seo-jun said, twirling the ice in his drink.
Dex barely managed not to choke on his beer.Was Seo-jun flirting with him?
They drank and watched the hallway for a while. A couple of guys approached, looking like they were going to ask Dex todance, but they glanced behind him and walked off. Dex looked over his shoulder, but Seo-jun was studying his drink.
“I’m going to use the restroom,” Dex said, knowing Seo-jun would know he was checking for the vandal. When he entered the men’s room, there were moans coming from one of the stalls where he could see two pairs of men’s shoes facing the wall. Otherwise, the room was empty. Dex peed, the sound of slapping skin now coming from the occupied stall, washed his hands, and then returned to Seo-jun, who then left to check the co-ed bathroom. When he returned with a subtle shake of his head, Dex was considering going out back to get a look at the dumpsters when he saw a familiar face heading for the bar.
“Oh, shit,” he said.
“What is it?” Seo-jun asked.
But there was no time for Dex to warn him. Raheem zeroed in on Dex immediately. “Dex, hello again.” Raheem cast a look behind him at Seo-jun. “This the boyfriend?”
Fuck.It looked like Dex’s lie was going to come out.