Page 24 of Out of Nowhere
“I doubt that, since he’s now living with his boyfriend.”
“Stop arguing with me, young man!”
“So, you’ve been vandalizing my place of business?” Hendrix asked incredulously.
Mrs. Hendrix proudly waved the marker. “I wanted these sinners to see what they are!”
“I didn’t even think you knew those words!” Hendrix exclaimed, moving to look at her handwork.
“You have to know the Devil’s own language to defeat him,” Mrs. Hendrix said with a smart nod.
Hendrix’s eyes shifted to Dex and Seo-jun. “Under the circumstances, I’m not going to be pressing charges. Send me your bill.”
As Dex and Seo-jun left the room, Dex heard Hendrix ordering his guys to close the bathroom while he got someone to clean the walls while mother cursed like a sailor in the background.
In the main part of the club, where Tina Turner’s “The Best” shook the rafters, Seo-jun leaned close to Dex’s ear. “Well, that was a surprise.”
Dex shook his head slowly. “No kidding.”
Taking Dex’s hand, Seo-jun led him to the bar.
“Aren’t we leaving?” Dex asked.
“Our job here is done. We deserve a little down time. Order us a drink, and I’m going to put in a request for a couple of songs. What kind of music do you like?”
“Uh, how about ‘Don’t Get Me Wrong’ by Matchbox 20,” Dex suggested.
“You got it.”
Dex watched Seo-jun stride off toward the DJ booth before turning and ordering their drinks.
When Seo-jun reemerged from the crowd, Dex handed him the bourbon and Coke he’d ordered for him and took a sip of his vodka tonic. After his run-in with the old lady vandal, he needed something stronger than beer. They stood at the bar, drinking, their eyes running over the crowd on the dance floor. It was kind of nice being there without having to be on constant alert. Smiling, Dex shook his head. He couldn’t believe the vandal had been the owner’s mother. He took another sip of his drink.
When Rihanna’s “Diamonds,” finished playing, the first strains of the song Dex had wanted to hear began.
“Come on, let’s dance.” Seo-jun took Dex’s drink from him and put it on the bar with his before taking Dex’s hand again.
With some alcohol in his system, it wasn’t too hard for Dex to go with it. It did feel good to successfully end another case, and this time he didn’t get hurt. And he was going to dance withSeo-jun. Pretty soon, he was bouncing on his feet and singing along with Rob Thomas to the chorus.
I’m all caught up, I’m faking. Without you I’d be gone. Don’t get me wrong. Don’t get me wrong!
Grinning at Seo-jun, whose tight, white T-shirt glowed in the dim lights of the club, Dex let all his worries go for the first time in what felt like forever.
As the song ended, Seo-jun took Dex’s hand again, and Dex suffered a momentary feeling of disappointment. Were they leaving? But then Seo-jun rested his other hand on Dex’s waist and drew him in close. If it hadn’t been for the alcohol slowing his reactions, Dex was sure Seo-jun would have seen him gaping like a fish before their cheeks brushed as the next song began.
It took a little longer for Dex to catch up and recognize what song was playing— “Lover” by Taylor Swift.
“I love this song!” Dex breathed, and he felt a chuckle rumble through Seo-jun’s chest.
“I know. That’s why I requested it.”
Dex suddenly recalled having said he loved it when Brand had mentioned it had been his and his ex’s song. His heart constricted as Seo-jun began swaying them to the music. Of a similar height, Dex thought they fit each other pretty perfectly.
Pulling back a little, Dex looked into Seo-jun’s eyes, which remained focused on Dex as they danced. The moment felt like a dream. Giving himself over, Dex sighed and leaned into Seo-jun.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever…
Pulling back slightly, Seo-jun leaned his forehead against Dex’s, his long fingers curling around Dex’s hand, and time seemed to stop until the last strains of the song faded.