Page 67 of Out of Nowhere
“Penelope, this is, Seo-jun,” Dex introduced him. “Seo-jun, Penelope, Garfield’s niece.”
Chapter Forty: Dex
Was it Dex’s imagination, or did the world stop turning for a moment as he tried to decide if he should or should not add the wordsmy boyfriendto that statement? But he chickened out and didn’t add it, and then it was too late: they were all walking toward the front door, the women’s luggage in tow.
Dex couldn’t help glancing at Seo-jun, wondering if he felt slighted. He couldn’t tell by looking at his face, which made him even more worried because, he realized, in the past couple of months, he’d grown used to Seo-jun dropping his inscrutable mask. When he imagined the situation reversed, Dex realized with a sinking feeling that he might have fucked things up. Seo-jun had professed his love earlier and Dex couldn’t even…
Dex hadn’t said anything after Seo-jun had told him that he loved him. He’d been so stunned—not just that Seo-jun had said the words, but that he could really feel that way about Dex—that his brain had shut down. Of course, his mother had walked in, soit wasn’t like Dex could have said anything back right then. But surely he could have carved out some time somewhere between his mother’s long-winded explanation about seating and food arrangement and the arrival of Garfield’s brothers, who whisked Seo-jun away to Garfield’s study to talk about stocks and bonds and the price of good brandy.
Dex couldn’t stop thinking about it. He’d let Seo-jun down twice in just a few hours, and Seo-jun must already feel like such an outsider. He rushed through getting the three ladies’ suitcases to their rooms, and then nearly pushed Seo-jun out, hustling him downstairs and into the mudroom where he thrust one of Garfield’s coats at him that was hanging on a hook.
“Put that on,” Dex ordered, slipping his arms into the sleeves of another of Garfield’s coats.
“Where are we going?” Seo-jun asked, as Dex took his hand and led him outside, where the frigid air nearly took Dex’s breath away.
“The woods,” Dex said, tugging him along.
“The woods?” By his tone, Seo-jun was clearly baffled, but Dex didn’t stop to explain, just forged on, determined to get them away from any interruptions. Skirting the fence line, he led them into the woods, grass turning to dead leaves that crunched under their feet as they walked.
Dex stopped when they were deep enough into the trees that no one would happen upon them if they were taking a walk, and took both of Seo-jun’s hands in his.
Seo-jun looked around. “It’s beautiful,” he said.
The snow was really coming down, turning the world around them into a swirl of white, and it was indeed beautiful, but Dex’s gaze was drawn back to the man in front of him—much more beautiful than any snowy forest could ever be.
Squeezing Seo-jun’s hands, he waited until those dark, questioning eyes locked with his.
“I brought you out here because I didn’t want to be interrupted. First, I want to tell you something very important.”
Seo-jun’s brows knitted. “What is it?”
Squeezing Seo-jun’s hands again, Dex said, “I love you, Seo-jun. So much. I wanted to say it to you before, but Mom walked in, and then everything got busy…but I should have found a moment. Secondly,” he paused, licking his lips. “I should have introduced you a moment ago as my boyfriend. I thought about it, but I’m a big chicken. I mean, everyone’s going to figure it out for themselves, but I should have said it.”
Seo-jun studied him for a minute before bringing his hands to Dex’s cheeks, stroking them with his thumbs. “Thank you for telling me.” He kissed Dex softly. “But I wasn’t upset about either of those things. I told you I loved you and meant it, but I didn’t expect a reply. And as for the introduction—what you said was fine.”
“But you’re so much more to me than I let on, and I want everyone to know it!” Dex exclaimed, frustrated with himself all over again.
Seo-jun’s smile took Dex’s breath away. “I feel the same. But it doesn’t have to be today or even tomorrow. Let’s take our time.”
Relief, warm and instantly relaxing, consumed Dex at Seo-jun’s words. “So…I didn’t hurt your feelings?”
Seo-jun shook his head. “Not at all.”
Pulling Seo-jun closer, Dex kissed him with all the fervor he felt in his heart, wrapping his arms around Seo-jun to bring him as close to Dex’s body as he could while the swirling snow layered their hair and shoulders and the bitter wind nipped at exposed skin.
“I just never want you to feel unappreciated,” Dex told him softly as their lips parted, and the look in Seo-jun’s eyes made him glad he’d said it.
“Maybe we should go back inside,” Seo-jun pulled away. “If we don’t, we’ll soon be two kissing snowmen.”
Dex laughed, so happy that he felt like he could lift off the ground and fly back to the house. “Okay.”
Joining hands, they turned back to retrace their earlier steps, already covered by the fallen snow.
“What did you talk to Garfield and his brothers about?” Dex asked as they walked.
“War, mostly. And guns.”