Page 1 of Stay With Me
Chapter One
Theearlysummersunis warm on my back as I paddle next to Young Jae. It’s our Sunday tradition. I close Perk Up early, and we do something fun outdoors. At this time of year, it’s usually paddle boarding on Willowbrook Lake or going for a hike. In the winter, we go snowshoeing or snowboarding.
A chance to hang out with my best friend is the highlight of every week. Especially since home has been an endless cycle of false promises and bickering. That is when Jake bothers to acknowledge me at all. More often he sits scrolling his phone with the TV on as background noise.
Young Jae splashes at me with his paddle, the cold water hitting my shins. He chuckles at my yelp of surprise. “You seem distracted today, you good?”
Sighing, I nod. “Yeah, it’s nothing new.” He looks unconvinced, so I change the subject. “I’m thinking about expanding the menu at Perk Up to include hot dishes offered at dinnertime. I don’t fully know how to make it work though, unless I hire someone.”
His eyes light up. He’s been telling me to hire some help for years. “That sounds like a great idea. It would increase business to allow you to do those upgrades, and once they’re trained, you would have more free time.”
Free time. Something I lack unless I make the decision to close early. I put in thirteen-to-fourteen-hour days, five days a week, with Sundays being a little shorter at around ten hours. It’s a lot, but I love my café and couldn’t imagine doing anything else. The long days also help keep me busy and distracted from things I’m only just starting to admit to myself. Home isn’t a fun place to be and my relationship with Jake has been lackluster on the best days for a couple of years now. I purposely stay as on the go as possible. Mondays are my only day off because Perk Up is closed on Mondays.
“That’s true. I have been thinking it would be nice to keep more regular hours. Adeline has such a great balance at the shelter, and with Rae shifting into her new career, it will also free up her time. Maybe it’s time I consider the next steps of my business as well.” I’m thinking out loud, off in la-la land. “I could put out an ad at the very least.”
“Do it. You don’t have to hire anyone if you don’t find the right fit. Besides, then you won’t have to put the ‘back in five’ sign up every time you need to use the bathroom.” Young Jae’s smile is brilliant, showing off the dimple in his left cheek. “You’ve built Perk Up into the incredible shop it is. I know it’s hard to allow someone else in, but it’s a good thing. You have worked so hard to get here. I’m proud of you.”
His words mean so much to me, but he’s always encouraged me when it comes to Perk Up, right from when he helped redesign the building for me, drafting the plans for free.
Grinning in return, his expression is all the encouragement I need. If I want Perk Up to grow, I need to consider hiring someone. It’s hard to open my business up to a new person, but if they were the right person, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Before I can say anything, his phone rings.
He answers as soon as he sees the name on the screen. “Hey, man. What’s up?”
As he chats, his voice gets more excited, and I grab my phone to check the time.
Deflating when I realize what time it is, I tuck my phone back into my waterproof pouch as Young Jae ends his call.
“I have something I want to show you. Let’s head in.” His brown eyes are practically twinkling he’s so excited.
Frowning, I apologize. “I’m sorry. I wish I could, but Jake promised we would have a date night tonight. I need to get home.”
His face tightens slightly, but he nods. I know he doesn’t like Jake. Most of my girlfriends don’t either. I quit wishing Jake would make more of an effort with my friends years ago. He never had any interest in getting to know my circle. He keeps to his group and says he’s happy to let me spend time with my friends without him.
“Okay, I guess you’ll find out next week.” His tone is mischievous, taunting.
Pouting, I give him my best sad face. “You’re not going to tell me?”
“Nope. You’re gonna have to wait.” He chuckles at my expression, paddling toward the shore.
Following behind, I wonder if Jake will be ready for our night out. He tends to lose track of time on his phone or crash without setting an alarm. Pondering whether I can be a little late so I can check out what Young Jae wants to show me, I huff out a heavy sigh. I can’t do that. It’s not me to disregard a prior arrangement.
I’m so distracted in my thoughts that by the time my gaze catches Young Jae’s board angling as he adjusts his course, it’s too late to avoid his board.
“Shit! Incoming!” I dig my paddle in to try and slow down as we collide.
My foot slips, and I teeter on my board before tumbling into the water.
Spluttering as I surface, the sound of laughter is the first thing I hear. Scowling playfully, I push my hair out of my face before splashing up at him. “Very funny.”
“It was. Your arms windmilled like a cartoon character.” He drops down to sit on his board, holding mine steady as I crawl out of the water, his body shaking with unrestrained laughter as I sit up, water dripping down my body.
Young Jae’s laughter cuts off as he glances at me before darting his gaze away. Clearing his throat, he gestures at me. “Your shirt is see-through.”
His accent is thicker than normal, making me pause before I glance down and realize that not only is it see-through, but the bra I’m wearing is also transparent.