Page 8 of Stay With Me
“I mean, yes. But I do think he loves her, just not in the way she needs.” She turns, her brown eyes somber. “She deserves someone who will cherish her… someone who will call their nosey sister to ask for help setting up a bookshelf.”
I groan. “Don’t start. We’re just friends.”
“Fine. Tell yourself whatever lies you need to.” She returns to work, opening the boxes of little trinkets and ornaments that Elise had and adding them alongside books. “Ji Hoon called Mom last night. He’s coming back to town for good. Eomma is over the moon.”
Shock fills me. I’m close with Ji Hoon, we talk every day, and he never mentioned it to me. “Are you sure for good?”
She nods. “Yep. Bought the old auto shop. Said his friend and him are going to fix it up and open a garage. Will be nice not having to drive to Thistle Creek to get my car worked on.”
“I wonder why he didn’t tell me.” Frowning, I move to help Ari by pulling the rest of Elise’s things out of the boxes and clearing the cardboard out of the way. “Want some coffee? I made a fresh pot.”
She nods, so I head to the kitchen, topping up my mug and making her a cup.
“Probably because he knew you would offer to design something or rush over there to help him move and he doesn’t want to burden you.” She turns, taking the cup with a firm look. “You always try to help everyone except yourself.”
“That’s not true.” My tone is weak because I know she’s not completely wrong. “I do things for myself, but there’s nothing wrong with helping people.”
Ari drops down to the floor, drinking her coffee. Her face is pensive. “No, there isn’t. But I know you need more in your life. I hear how you talk about Owen and Cam and what they have. And I see how you look at Elise.” She lifts her hand when I open my mouth to argue. “Whatever, you can deny it, but that woman has been the center of your world since high school. And if you think that Jake’s ineptness as a boyfriend is the only reason that relationship didn’t work out, then you’re dumb.”
Blindsided, I don’t respond. I did have a crush on Elise when I first moved here. She helped me study English nearly every day. From there we became best friends and when I no longer needed her to study with, I was planning on asking her out and then Matthew “with two Ts” asked her out and she said yes.
It gutted me. There has been the odd occasion I’ve thought about crossing that boundary, but when she started dating Jake, I decided to move past my crush and cherish our friendship. Something I plan on sticking to.
“Done.” Ari’s voice startles me. “I think she’s going to love it.”
She stands back, admiring her handiwork and I have to admit, it looks amazing. “Wait, did you redo my books too?”
“Yeah, they’ve been bugging me for years.” She smiles slyly. “Now should I check to see if you’re keeping it a secret that you’re together?”
I don’t move as she bolts up the stairs, only to come down moments later looking disappointed.
Laughing, I shake my head. “Why don’t you worry about your own damn love life instead of prying into my non-existent one?”
She crinkles her nose in disgust. “No one in town is interesting enough for me. And I don’t plan on moving. So unless I take Eomma’s offer to set me up with one of her friends’ sons and they fly him out here, I will live vicariously through you.”
She plops down on the couch, her lips drooping a little as we drink coffee in silence. It’s unusual for Ari to allow silence to fill the air. Usually she’s talking about anything and everything.
“You okay?”
Ari sighs, her lips pressing together as she meets my gaze. “I tried to talk to Eomma and Appa about retiring. Appa didn’t say much, but Eomma and I argued. It sucks. They should retire, they’ve been working for so long. And I’m ready to run the inn on my own. Try some new things. But I can’t keep arguing with Eomma about it.”
I can’t imagine being in her shoes. I know how stubborn our parents can be, especially our mother. Working with them has had its ups and downs, but mostly it’s gone well, but Eomma always wants to take the lead on things and it’s time for her to let Ari take the reins.
“Do you want me to talk to her?” The offer is genuine, but part of me hopes she will say no.
Ari’s spine straightens, her eyes lighting up. “You would do that?”
Taking a deep breath, I nod. “Yes. Maybe an outside perspective will help.”
She’s bouncing on the spot now, her bright smile back. “You are the best big brother. Well, tied for best because Ji Hoon said he’d fix my car for free once the shop is running.”
Lips twitching, I shake my head and roll my eyes.
She starts talking about me and Elise, her focus returning from her life to mine, when my alarm rings, alerting me to the time. With a hint of relief, I say, “I gotta get ready for work. Thanks for your help.”
“Anytime, Oppa.”
Chapter Four