Page 22 of Emi's Hero
“They did,” George said.
“All marines?” Emi prompted.
“All but one. My youngest brother chose the Navy. He wanted to be a SEAL.” George’s chest swelled. “And he did it. Made it through BUD/S and is now a part of DEVGRU.”
Emi’s brow puckered. “DEVGRU?”
“The short version of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group,” George clarified.
Emi’s frown deepened. “What’s happened in the world over the past eight years?”
George chuckled. “Too much to even start to explain. I’ll fill you in later.” He nodded toward the road he was turning onto. “We’re here.”
Emi sank deeper into her seat as George drove up to the small airport that wasn’t much more than a few buildings and a runway. He passed through a gate, drove onto the flightline and straight to an airplane sitting on the tarmac.
“I’m going to help you onto the plane and then go park the vehicle.”
Emi looked at him, her eyes wide and frightened.
George reached across and touched her hand, resting on her lap. “I’ll only be a minute.”
He slid out of his seat and rounded to her side of the vehicle to open her door.
She sat still, staring at the plane.
“Come on. It’ll be all right.” He held out his hand.
She stared from his hand to the plane and back to his hand. Finally, she laid her hand in his and let him help her to the ground.
He touched his fingers lightly to the small of her back and guided her to the plane.
When a man came down the steps, Emi stepped behind George.
George greeted his boss, Jace Hawkins, with a brief smile and a handshake.
“George, old man, fill me in,” Hawk said. “What’s the mystery?”
George’s eyes narrowed. “Can we get inside the aircraft first?”
“Absolutely.” Hawk stepped back and waved a hand toward the interior. “You’re lucky you caught us. We were just about to head home to the Big Island when we got your call.”
“I’m glad I got to you before you did. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” George left Emi beside the plane with Hawk. He parked the car near the hangar and ran back to help Emi up the steps, climbing aboard the aircraft after her.
Hawk followed, pulled the steps up behind them and locked the door in place. When he turned, he smiled at Emi. “Who’s your little buddy?”
George nodded toward Emi. “Emi, this is Jace Hawkins, regional director of the Brotherhood Protectors Hawaii.”
Emi slipped the cap from her head. Her auburn hair fell down her back in loose waves. She held out her hand, her gaze meeting Hawk’s. “I’m Emi Sands.”
Sands. George filed her last name away in the back of his mind. She’d told him her first name, but not until now had she shared her surname.
“Well, this is a surprise.” Hawk shook Emi’s hand and released it, his gaze going to George and back to Emi. “Swede tells me he’s researching a man named Fallon Vance. Does he have anything to do with you?”
Emi’s face paled. She looked to George.
“You want me to fill him in on everything?”
She hesitated a moment, then nodded.