Page 25 of Emi's Hero
“We’re here,” George’s voice said into her headset. “We’ve landed on the Big Island.”
Emi nodded, blinked and stared out at the landing lights lining the runway, her chest tight. Had she made a mistake by coming here? If Sara was on Kauai, shouldn’t she be there?
The plane taxied to a stop near a hangar. Kalea shut off the engine, and silence descended.
Emi removed her headset and seatbelt. A large black SUV drove out onto the tarmac and stopped beside the plane.
Hawk left the copilot’s seat and hurried past Emi and George to open the hatch and lower the steps.
Almost too tired to hold her head up, Emi twisted her hair and shoved it up into the cap. She forced some starch into her backbone and pushed to her feet.
George’s hand slipped around her to steady her. He descended the steps first, reached up to help her from the plane to the ground and hustled her into the waiting SUV.
Emi frowned at the driver.
Kalea slid into the passenger seat of the SUV. “Emi, our chauffeur tonight is my father, John Parkman.”
The gray-haired man driving raised a hand and looked at her in the rearview mirror. “Hi, Emi. Don’t worry, we’ll get you to the ranch house in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”
She gave the man a weak smile. “Thank you.”
Once they were all in, Mr. Parkman drove away from the landing strip.
A few minutes later, they pulled through a gate, crossed a cattle guard and followed a road until they arrived at a sprawling ranch house with wide porches and lights shining from the windows.
Another vehicle stood in front of the house.
“Oh, good,” Kalea said. “Dr. Rhodes is here.”
Emi frowned. She wasn’t sure she was ready to see a doctor. George was right. What Fallon had done to her wasn’t her fault.
Still...she felt ashamed. Embarrassed.
It was too soon.
George came around to help her out of her side of the SUV. “It’ll be all right. The doctor only wants to make sure you’re as healthy as you can be.” He added, “For Sara.”
For Sara.
She nodded and braced herself. These people already knew what she’d endured. She already felt completely exposed, as if she stood before them naked. One more person wasn’t going to make a difference.
George slipped an arm around her back as she climbed the stairs to the porch. On the last step, she stumbled.
His arm tightened, and he pulled her against him, her back pressing against his chest and torso.
He was so solid, like a brick wall no one could crash through to get to her. Fortified by his strength, she regained her balance and entered the house.
Kalea was ahead of her. “Dr. Rhodes, thank you for meeting us here on such short notice.”
“I’m glad to help,” he said, his gaze going to Emi. “Is this my patient?”
Emi’s cheeks burned.
Kalea answered for her. “Yes. Dr. Rhodes. This is Emi.”
“Emi,” he said and turned to a young woman standing beside him. “This is Ava, my nurse. We’ll take good care of you.”
Emi nodded without responding.