Page 39 of Emi's Hero
And listening to them kept her from thinking too much about what was to come when the hypnotherapist arrived.
When they’d finished the meal, Kalea, Hawk and Mr. Parkman adjourned to the office to go through some packages that had been delivered that morning.
Emi and George helped clear the table.
Ule didn’t argue. Maybe he sensed Emi needed to stay busy. She was glad he let her help.
She’d laid the last glass on the counter when Kalea poked her head into the kitchen. “Sachie’s here. I’m setting her up in the guest bedroom’s sitting room if that’s okay with you.”
Emi’s pulse leaped into overdrive. “That’s fine.”
She looked to George.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked.
Before Emi could say yes, Kalea shook her head. “She says it works best if the patient is alone. No distractions.”
Emi stomach clenched.
“I’ll be close by,” George said. “Just relax and let her do her thing. You’ll be okay. We’ll find Sara, no matter what.”
Emi nodded. She had to believe him. If this didn’t work, they were no worse off than before the hypnosis.
They would be no better off either.
And the clock was ticking.
Emi followedKalea to the guest suite.
A pretty blonde was pulling a padded chair close to the couch so that there was only a couple of feet between them. Once she had it in position, she straightened, smiled and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Sachie. You must be Emi.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Emi took the woman’s hand, appreciating her firm grip. It spoke of confidence.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Kalea said and left the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.
Sachie waved to the couch where she’d positioned the floor lamp to cast a soft glow over the space. “Have a seat on the sofa. I know the chair is kind of close, but it helps us to get to know one another.” Sachie’s smile and softly spoken words helped ease some of Emi’s tension.
Emi took off her cap and sat on the edge of the couch.
Sachie eased into the chair.
For the next fifteen minutes, Sachie asked questions that had nothing to do with finding Sara and everything to do with making Emi feel more comfortable in her presence.
She told Emi how she’d earned a master’s degree in counseling and worked with troubled teens. She’d trainedin hypnotherapy, hoping to help the teens overcome drug addiction.
“One thing led to another, and I was helping the Honolulu Police with victims who’d been attacked or abused.”
“You must have helped a lot of people,” Emi said.
Sachie nodded. “I have.” Her lips turned downward. “But I couldn’t help all of them. Those are the ones that leave a mark on my soul. The ones whose addictions ended their lives.”
She leaned toward Emi and took her hands. “But I’m here to help you.”
“I’m not addicted to drugs.”
“No, but you might have some memories with details that could help you and your friends. I know you want to find your daughter. I want to help in any way possible. I can’t guarantee we’ll discover where she’s being held, but maybe we’ll come up with a clue that will lead us there. Are you ready?”