Page 59 of Emi's Hero
“Exactly the reason why I couldn’t go further and why it’s probably a mistake, me being with you now,” George said. “You were violated and have only knownbadsex. I didn’t want to perpetuate that awful feeling.”
“Neither do I.” She turned on her side to face him. “That’s why I wanted to experiencegoodsex, to remind myself that there is a difference. I want to know how I’ll react when I lie naked with a man Iwantto be with.” She ran a hand over his chest. “I want to know I won’t go catatonic if he touches me.”
George rested his hand on her hip for a moment and then slid it along her side, following the curve of her waist to the swell of her breast.
Emi’s breath caught and held.
“And how does that feel?” George asked.
She fought to inhale deeper, her body lighting up with raging desire. “So good,” she said, exhaling her pent-up breath.
He tugged the comforter down, exposing the breast. Then he leaned forward and covered the nipple with his mouth, sucking it in gently. His tongue snaked out and flicked the tip.
Emi sucked in a sharp breath.
George immediately released the nipple. “Are you all right?”
“No, I’m not all right,” she said, her voice sounding suspiciously like a wail. “Why did you stop? Can’t you see? I want you so badly, it almost hurts.”
He frowned. “If I do anything that bothers you, all you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will.”
“So noted,” Emi said. “Now, could you pick up where you left off? Please?”
He captured her nipple in his mouth and nibbled the tight little bud, flicking it over and over with the tip of his tongue.
George, still lying on his side with Emi lying on hers, moved lower in the bed, pressing kisses to each of her ribs. Letting his hand glide ahead of him, he moved ever lower to the juncture of her thighs.
“Just so you know,” Emi said, breathless as if she’d been running, “I had the doctor test me for everything. I’m clean. No STDs. But we’ll still need protection. Do you have some?”
He nodded. “In my shaving kit, but we won’t need it.” His hand cupped her sex.
“No?” she said, her back arching in response to his touch.
George slid a finger inside her channel, swirling around in the moisture her body had generated.
“Are you sure we don’t...need protection?” she asked, her voice catching as his finger circled inside her.
“Positive,” he said as he moved further down the bed and gently rolled her from her side onto her back. “Tonight is all about you.”
He parted her legs, slipped between them and draped her thighs over his shoulders.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“You’ll see.” He parted her folds with his thumbs and flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue.
Her fingers curled into the comforter, and her hips rose, eager for more.
“Getting the picture?” George asked, his breath warm on her sex.
“Yes!” she cried. “Oh, yes!”
He chuckled and applied his tongue to that nubbin of nerve-packed flesh, rocking her world with the shock of electrical impulses shooting through her. She’d never experienced anything like it...before him.
The more he flicked, the tighter her body grew, like a bowstring being stretched to its very limit.
When she thought it couldn’t get more tense, he touched her there once more.
The bowstring released, igniting an explosion of sensations that ricocheted throughout her body in fiery bursts.