Page 20 of A Kiss of Flame
"A week," he replied, crossing his arms over his chest when he turned back to face her.
Beatrice loomed, but not nearly as much as Barith. A week was all she had left with him.
Levian wanted to catch her thieves and wanted Beatrice back—but she also wanted to savor her time with Barith. His presence brought back a sense of comfort she’d almost forced herself to forget. The idea of him leaving soon filled her with emotions she wasn’t keen on unpacking, so she stuffed them down. They had thieves to hunt, and she was excited about Kamár—excited enough to ignore her friend’s assumptions about her and Barith’s current relationship.
"We’d better put on a good show tomorrow, shouldn’t we?" she purred.
He smirked. "I’ll keep my end of the bargain, mage. We’ll find yer Curator."
Levian was confident they would. If not, she was prepared to take more desperate measures, though she kept those thoughts to herself.
She smiled up at him, butterflies of excitement filling her belly. Levian had no idea what would unfold at Kamár, but she had no doubt it would be diverting.
She raised a finger and brushed it over the edge of his beard. “It’s getting long,” she said. “Perhaps you could use a trim before tomorrow evening?”
He grumbled low at her touch, the sound sending an instinctive shiver through her. She quickly pulled her finger away.
“Ye offering to give me a trim?” he asked, his voice husky—or so she thought.
“Please,” she huffed, stepping away as she suddenly felt far too warm. “I’m not good with shears, but I know a talented barber who can help.”
Barith rubbed his bearded chin. “I suppose I could if ye think it’ll help?”
She smirked at him over her shoulder. “You look nice when you’re trimmed.”
He held her gaze for a moment, and it made her feel horribly uneasy for some reason. Levian snatched the invitation from the couch and declared, “I’ll make you an appointment. Right now, I’m famished. Shall we find some dinner?”
Barith was still watching her when she glanced back at him from the doorway. “Aye,” he replied, his tone distracted. “Dinner.”
It was utterly ridiculous, but a flush of heat wafted through her when she stepped into the hall and out of sight. More ridiculous was the fact that Levian realized with embarrassment that the look in his eye had caused her to blush thoroughly from head to toe.
Chapter Six
six days remain to finish his last adventure
Levian floated down the dark stairwell ahead of Barith, the skirt of her purple dress billowing behind her along with the soft scent of her night jasmine perfume. Her dark pink curls were loose around her shoulders, cascading along the front of her wool coat. When they reached the large black door at the base, she took a deep breath and glanced back at him over her shoulder. Barith tamped down his nerves and smirked at her reassuringly.
“I suppose we knock,” she said before delicately doing just that. There was no knob or latch to try—just a solid, ominous black door down the stairwell behind a set of posh shops.
They waited, but nothing happened.
“You’re sure this is it?” Barith asked.
“Of course, I’m sure,” she bit back, knocking again.
Still nothing. Barith leaned over her shoulder and slammed his fist against the door several times, causing it to rattle.
The center of the door twisted and morphed until a face’s vague, silvery essence appeared within. “Who knocks?” the door asked in a deep, gruff voice.
“Levian Myrddin and my companion, Barith McCroy,” she replied.
“Welcome,” the door greeted them flatly. “As guests of Kamár, a secret must be offered.” A glowing ring of white runes appeared around them on the ground.
“Isn’t that clever,” Levian huffed. She turned to Barith. “It’s a Revealing Ring,” she explained. “A rather good one, too. It exposes any disguises or glamours and will also know if you lie.”
Barith grunted. “What kind of secret?” he asked the door.