Page 24 of Only One More Lie
The contents of their old office had been moved into what had most likely once been an empty corner. A couple of old, mismatched filing cabinets stood there, and a metal desk with several knicks on the side had been shoved against the wall. A fake leather chair had been shoved beneath the desk, with a piece of duct tape on the corner of the peeling green cushion.
Several pictures filled the wall above the filing cabinets, mostly photos of Juniper when she was younger.
They looked like a happy family.
Still gripping the door handle, Juniper turned toward them. “Go through whatever you need to look at. I don’t care what you find. I want to do know who did this to them, even if it stirs up more questions.”
“Thanks for giving us access,” Duke said.
“I hope you find some answers.” She turned to leave.
Before Juniper walked away, Andi called her name, and she paused.
“One question.” Andi openly studied Juniper’s face. “Who was the man you were speaking with in the dining hall?”
So Andi had noticed that interaction also. Duke was curious about the man and why he’d had such a strange reaction.
“You mean Caleb?” Surprise flooded Juniper’s eyes. “He works here.”
“What does he do?” Andi settled against the door jamb as she waited for Juniper’s response.
“He’s in charge of our UTV excursions and manages that team for me. He officially works under Uncle Tim.”
“How long has he worked here?” Duke lingered in the doorway also.
“He started as a seasonal employee about a year and a half ago, but then asked if he could be brought on full time. I said yes, of course. Caleb’s very helpful.” Juniper paused. “Any reason why you’re asking about him?”
“We’d love a list of employees who worked here last December so we can talk to them,” Andi said. “And also a list of the guests here at the time of the murder.”
“I can do that for you. Like I said, whatever you need, I’ll be happy to provide if it’s at all possible.”
“Perfect.” He nodded to the office. “We’ll get busy then.”
“Good luck.” Juniper glanced back one more time and frowned. “I’ll be back in a while to check on you in case you need anything.”
After Juniper left, Duke and Andi stared at the filing cabinets in front of them, ready to dive in. Duke felt as if they were about to go spear fishing, but they had no idea if they were even swimming in the right pond.
They were about to find out.
They each decided to take a filing cabinet to search. It was the best place to start.
They both grabbed a handful of folders and sat on the end of bed to scour through them.
Only fifteen minutes into their search, a crash sounded close by.
Duke looked up to see a bookcase in the hallway cascade to the floor in front of the door and a masked figure dart away.
Iran through the woods, desperate to get away.
They weren’t supposed to be there.
I’d gone into the cabin only to do one thing, and they’d almost ruined that.
Thankfully, I’d gotten what I came for.
But they were going to regret sticking their noses into this.