Page 29 of Only One More Lie
Realization seemed to wash over the man’s face. “You mean when Calvin and Mary were murdered?”
“Yes, when they were murdered.”
He ran a hand over his face and shook his head again. “You don’t think someone working at the camp is behind their murders, do you?”
“It’s a theory—something we need to rule out, at least.”
He swung his head back and forth in disbelief. “That doesn’t fit with this killer’s MO. He picks random people. Why would someone here at the camp kill five other people in other locations before finally deciding to kill Mr. and Mrs. Burrows here?”
“That’s what we’re trying to determine.”
His eyes narrowed, and he shook his head again. “Well, you’re looking in the wrong direction. No one here did this. Itwas a stranger. A psycho. Not a friend or coworker. The idea is ludicrous.”
“If no one here did it, then no one here should mind us asking questions. And now there’s Pepper . . .”
His eyes closed as if her words brought him pain.
Andi frowned at Caleb’s reaction. He’d almost been defensive. But now he also appeared sad.
Was that because he was protecting Juniper? Or was he protecting his own secrets?
Duke straightened the files, all while listening to the conversation on the other side of the door—just to be safe. But Andi’s talk with the man sounded harmless.
As soon as Caleb left, he stepped out of the office and spotted Andi still standing in the living room, looking deep in thought.
Duke stepped closer. “That guy definitely doesn’t want us here.”
Andi snapped from her thoughts and turned toward him. “No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t want Juniper to have anything to do with us. I think it’s because he’s hiding something.”
“I don’t know what’s going on, and right now it’s getting late. But first thing in the morning, I want to talk to everyone who was here on the night of the murder.”
“I agree,” Andi said. “Even though the police conducted interviews, there’s still a chance someone saw something and didn’t even realize what they saw. I’m not just talking about Calvin and Mary’s murders, but Pepper’s also.”
Duke nodded slowly. “It’s also a possibility that the killer posed here as a guest just so he could strike.”
“I think so also,” Andi said. “People would notice if a stranger showed up. It’s not like the other murders that took place in a community or neighborhood. In the other locations, someone could have come and gone without eyebrows being raised. That’s not the case here.”
“We need to look into each of those guests, even though I’m sure the police have already done that also. Maybe we’ll see something one of them hasn’t.” Duke stared at the door, where Caleb had just disappeared. “I’m definitely keeping my eye on him.”
“I don’t know why exactly he raises my suspicions, but he does. He looks like an all-American guy. But I have a feeling there’s a lot more to him.”
“We could run a background check,” Duke suggested.
“Run a background check on who?”
They turned to see Juniper and Tundra standing in the doorway. Juniper stared at them with a look of confusion across her face.
Before either of them could respond, Juniper filled in the blanks. “You’re talking about Caleb?”
Duke chose his words carefully. “We’ll be looking into everybody who was here when the murders occurred.”
Juniper paused in front of them and crossed her arms, almost appearing offended with her tight expression and narrowed eyes. “But the police already did that.”
“Of course,” Duke said. “But we want to be a second set of eyes, just in case anything was missed.”
She rubbed her arms before shaking her head. “Caleb probably told you he doesn’t want you to be here.”
“He did mention that,” Andi said.