Page 69 of Only One More Lie
The only reason Peppermint had been there was because Juniper knew her parents would be upset if they knew what Juniper had done, especially since they wanted nothing to do with the Klinkharts anymore.
Still, something had felt wrong about moving Pepper out of that cabin and into a more secure space here at the camp.
However, they did have one staff cabin they weren’t using. They could have let some of the female staff have more space and put two workers in one cabin and two in the other, even though each building was situated to handle four people.
Her parents hadn’t wanted to do that in order to save money. Juniper guessed not running the heat in one of the cabins would save them a little on their bills. And every penny counted. That was what her mom always said.
Juniper knew her friend wanted to try out some projects using peppermint. She thought if she had some type of productshe could sell that it might help her get back on solid ground. If she could get her own business up and running then she wouldn’t have to depend on Juniper anymore. But she needed to space to experiment.
Juniper, of course, had told Peppermint it wasn’t a big deal if she stayed here. That she was in no hurry to run her off.
Those words were mostly true. Juniper did like having her friend around.
So why did she keep hearing her parents’ voices in the back of her mind?
She was in charge at the camp now, and there was nothing wrong with her friend staying on campus. They should help each other out, after all.
But Juniper had heard some of the other staff members whispering, upset that Peppermint had gotten her own cabin. Uncle Tim especially hadn’t liked it.
However, this wasn’t Tim’s decision. It was Juniper’s.
Juniper threw some more feed down for the reindeer. “What’s your idea?”
Peppermint’s eyes lit with excitement. “What would you think about letting these reindeer do special appearances in town?”
Juniper froze and squinted in confusion at her friend. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, so many places would love to have visits from the reindeer, especially at Christmastime. We could do some of the festivals in Fairbanks. Let kids meet the reindeer and get their pictures taken with them. I think it would be a real hit.”
Juniper considered her words a moment before nodding. It really wasn’t a bad idea. Even though the camp was doing okay financially, it would be nice to have some extra money in the bank for leaner times.
But she really needed to think through the logistics. What exactly would that idea involve?
She threw down another handful of feed. “I’d need someone to be in charge.”
“I’d be happy to help.” Peppermint shrugged, a hopeful look to her eyes. “Since my parents are no longer in the area, I don’t see where it could hurt for me to leave the camp. Of course, I’d need at least one other person to go with me.”
“I’m sure I could find another staff member to help, especially if it was only one or two days a week.”
“That way I can also check out some of the craft fairs and festivals. Maybe even sell some of my peppermint products there.” Her voice climbed with excitement.
“I think that sounds like a great idea.” Juniper was proud of her friend for thinking ahead.
Movement in the distance caught her eye, and she looked toward the lodge.
It was Caleb.
He lifted a hand and waved toward them.
Peppermint followed her gaze but quickly looked away.
She’d been acting strange around Caleb lately. But Juniper thought it was because Caleb was the only one who knew all the history between their families. Well, Caleb and Tim.
Juniper figured those facts might make Peppermint feel self-conscious, which wasn’t what she wanted for her friend.
No, Juniper would do whatever she could to help Peppermint. She’d do whatever she could to carry on the legacy her parents had started here at this camp also.
She only wished her mom and dad had been honest with her.