Page 95 of Only One More Lie
It would be a tense drive. But he was anxious to check in with everyone to see if they’d discovered anything.
They only had twenty-four more hours to figure out who the next victim might be and to stop this killer.
By the time they reached the camp, Andi could hardly see the road in front of them. Thankfully, she and Duke arrived safely—even if her nerves felt shot.
“I think we should swing by the lodge,” Andi told Duke as the SUV tires rumbled over clumps of snow. “I want to talk to Juniper. Plus, I don’t feel like she should be by herself this evening.”
“I agree that’s probably a good idea, especially with Caleb still being out there. And Tim. And even Jared.”
“Exactly,” Andi said. “There are too many dangerous possibilities. Plus, I’d like to ask her a few more questions.”
Suddenly, the ache on top of her head began again. Without realizing what she was doing, she reached for it.
“You keep touching the top of your head lately,” Duke murmured. “What’s going on?”
“Andi . . .” His voice trailed.
He clearly knew something was wrong. Was this her chance to open up?
“It’s just a headache.”
“A headache at the exact same area where someone almost sawed open your skull?”
She swallowed hard but said nothing.
“You can talk to me, you know,” Duke said quietly.
“I know.”
“You don’t have to shut me out. I want to be there for you.”
“I know.” Her voice came out sharper than she’d intended. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“Understood.” His voice sounded defeated.
Andi immediately disliked herself for what she’d said, for the tone she’d used.
But it was too late to take it back.
Duke pulled to a stop in front of the lodge.
Andi cast a lingered glace at him before hurrying inside. Later, she promised herself. She’d talk to him later—when they didn’t have so many other things pressing on them.
It didn’t take much to convince Juniper to stay at the cabin with them—as long as Tundra could come. Andi had said of course.
Apparently, at the direction of the police, all the guests and the rest of the staff had been sent home during a break in the snow. It only made sense given the conditions.
Juniper climbed into the SUV with them, and they headed to the cabin. The rest of the gang had already gone back a couple of hours ago.
“Why do I sense you guys have bad news?” Juniper started, glancing back and forth between them from the backseat.
Andi stole a glance at Duke as she contemplated what to say.
“Why don’t we wait until we get back to the cabin first before we share?” she finally said.