Page 79 of Baited
“You would ky-ss me to use your legs when you can use mine?”
I kiss him, allowing the images of what he wants to do to me to flood in as I send my own back until we are both panting.
“I found food,” Rych interrupts.
He stands a short distance away with a platter in his hand, slowly consuming the contents as he stares at us.
“I can’t believe you found a mate,” he adds.
“Where. Is. The. Food?” Blayn growls at him, his words entire sentences dripping with menace.
With his mouth full, Rych jerks a clawed thumb over his shoulder in the direction we saw him take. Blayn snorts and stalks past his fellow Gryn, firing out a wing as he passes and causing Rych to duck, although he keeps careful hold of his plate.
I can smell the food before we enter the building which causes yet another series of images while Blayn imagines what we might find as well as his intentions should anyone attempt to attack us. My big gladiator has to duck to enter, and we find ourselves in a large, bright room which has two tables groaning with platters containing every dish imaginable.
I wriggle against Blayn, and he allows me to slither down his hard, muscular abdomen, every bump noticeable as I end up on my feet. And I mean every bump. As if the thoughtbond hadn’t already told me he was aroused.
Blayn locks eyes with me as he adjusts himself. The absolute lust bomb which he drops through the thoughtbond sends my core clenching. His nostrils flare and his eyes darken.
“I missed you, Izzy. My cocks missed you too,” he says. “You are my entire galaxy, and I’d fight it all to get to you.”
Iadore Blayn. I don’t even want to fight how much I love him, his hesitant face when he tells me how he feels, but also the stream of consciousness I’m party to through this phenomenon Rych called the thoughtbond.
It’s hugely distracting, however the closeness to him I’m getting is something else entirely.
“You were coming for me?” I ask as Blayn makes an effort to control himself, piling up a platter and handing it to me, even if his thoughts remain X-rated.
“We escaped,” Blayn says, chomping on some roasted meat. “So I could come and get you.”
His desire blooms within me, and I’ve never wanted to jump his bones more.
“You want to break my bones?” he queries through handfuls of sweet pastries.
Oh yeah…the thoughtbond goes both ways, Izzy.
“Sort of.” I laugh. “Jumping your bones is a human expression for mating.”
“Oh, I know you want to mate me.” Blayn gives me his newfound grin, cheeks bulging. “But I didn’t know how hard.”
His smile disappears as quickly as it arrived, and a scowl replaces it as he stares over my head, one hand reaching out to pull me into him.
Both madames have entered the room, along with a male Tref. Blayn extends his wings and tries to tuck me behind him.
“You recognize him, don’t you?” Madame Jikki asks the male.
Blayn’s lips ripple with a growl, his platter clatters onto the table, and his claws are fully extended.
“A Gryn?” the Tref exclaims, his already huge eyes widening. “Of course. It’s little Blayn! Look how he’s grown!”
Blayn’s growl cuts off in mid flow. He looks down at me, his thoughts in turmoil. He doesn’t recognize the Tref male, but there’s something cutting through the confusion, some memories which were long buried.
“What’s going on?” I step out from the feathers which are shaking and in front of my big gladiator.
“I thought I recognized your mate when he…arrived,” Madame Jikki says.
“He’s a gladiator from the dome,” I retort. “He’s probably on all the vids here, or you’ve seen them from Tatatunga.”