Page 37 of Piece Us Together
“It was good though, right?” I ask, wanting to make sure he really is happy with what we have so far. “It was good for you?”
“It was good, baby. Real good.” His expression softens as he gives me one of my favorite smiles of his—the one full offondness, where his whole face just seems to radiate stupid-in-love vibes, and the wrinkles around his eyes appear just a touch, and I swear his eyes change to a deeper shade of blue. “Was it good for you? Did you get what you needed?”
“Yes. It was.” I rest my head against the back of his chair and close my eyes. Just picturing Hunter standing above me as I knelt for him sends a wave of warmth through me. It’s not even arousal, really—though I felt plenty of that with him and would be able to feel it if I let myself think about him for a few more seconds. It’s just a sense of safety, like a warm blanket wrapped around me. It reminds me of the times Maison and I sat in front of the fire, back when we were first getting to know each other. Those nights had made me feel like I could be something whole again. They had made me feel safe for the first time in a very long time. Hunter brings out an echo of that in me, like another layer, like a binding agent, gold spilling between cracks in glass. “It was everything, Mais.”
“Me being there didn’t ruin it or anything?”
I nearly laugh. “You being there is what made it everything. Without you, it would have felt wrong, I think. Like something was missing. It was the best of both worlds. I was completely fucking spoiled and it was so amazing that I can’t even consider feeling bad about it. I felt—I felt so safe, Mais. And calm. And free. It was exactly what I needed. More than, even. It was just…”
“Everything,” he says, echoing my previous word use.
“Yeah. Everything.”
“Thank fuck.” He tucks his head against my chest, his other arm coming around so he’s squeezing me tight. “Because there’s no way I could let him do those things to you without being there.”
“It wasn’t hard for you? Seeing me hurt?”
“Strangely, no. I don’t know why, but with it not being me doing it, it was okay. It wasn’t a turn-on or anything, butit wasn’t a turn-off either. I liked when you sought me out for comfort, though. That was hot—but also, like, it soothed something inside of me, you know? I liked that a lot.”
I try not to squirm at the memory. “I did too. It was kind of the perfect example of how the two of you could give me everything at once.”
“Good. That’s really good, baby. I’m so fucking glad.” He makes a sound low in his throat though, making his words feel wrong. I understand why when he whispers, “Seeing him touch you was a turn-on. Is that fucking weird?”
I smirk. “No, I don’t think so. Or maybe it should be, but it’s not. It was hot, being touched by him in front of you. The way you two looked at me and some of the things you guys said.” My smirk fades as my face grows hot. I’m suddenly very thankful he’s not looking at me. “I think he was holding back, though. I got the feeling that night, but then when he said that stuff at breakfast about it being a trial run…I think he was going easy.”
“I think so too.”
“Do you think you’ll be okay with more?”
“You know, I…do, actually. I—well, full disclosure, I asked him not to kiss you before we started. I added it to my hard limits. I don’t want to change that, I don’t want to give him that, but…I couldn’t help but keep picturing him fucking you, Nol.” He looks at me then, his blue eyes wide with panic, his cheeks pink. “I think Iwantedhim to fuck you. It didn’t feel like enough, watching you blow him and then me getting to fuck you. It felt unfinished, maybe. Or just wrong somehow. I just…fuck, I don’t know—I’m not trying to say—I probably shouldn’t even want that, but I just—”
“I want him to fuck me too,” I say, rescuing him before he can spiral into a flurry of doubt. “It didn’t feel unfinished or anything, but I still wanted it. I couldn’t help but think about how hot it would have been for him to hurt me the way he didand then fuck me. Maybe with low prep. Maybe—maybe fuck me hard in a way you won’t.” Now it’s my turn to feel a little panicked and guilty. “That makes me terrible, doesn’t it? Our sex is still really fucking good, Mais, and you fucked me so hard that night, it was perfect. I’m sorry—”
“No.” Maison chuckles. “You’re not terrible and you don’t have to be sorry. I want to watch him do that to you, baby.”
I can’t help the shiver that runs through me at the thought of that. “I’d—I’d like that.”
“I don’t mind being guided like he did, either. Being told what to do a little bit. Like when he said I couldn’t come yet. That was fine. It was part of what he was doing for you, you know? I didn’t mind listening to him if it meant giving you what you needed.” He shrugs, looking away. I can see the pink on his cheek closest to me deepen in color. “I’ll make sure he understands I don’t want him touching me, though. I’m not interested in him like that.”
I roll my eyes since he’s not looking at me. It’s pretty obvious that Maison is affected by Hunter in a similar way to how I am. The man is gorgeous. He also exudes calm and control in a way that I think even Maison finds soothing, though I don’t think he’d ever admit it.
But if Maison wants to hang out in denial-land for a little while longer, I’ll let him. I have a feeling it’ll be Hunter who manages to pull him out of it anyway. I kind of can’t wait to see that.
“That all sounds really good, Mais.”
“Good.” He clears his throat before eyeing me. “Did you hear me say the kissing thing?”
I laugh softly. “I did. I don’t mind. I get that. Kissing is…intimate. It’s for us only, I agree.”
“Okay, cool.”
“Not as cool as you eating your damn omelet.”
He rolls his eyes with a dramatic sigh. “Yeah, yeah.”
“And no more hiding away or skipping meals.” I grab his chin, forcing him to look at me again. His face is relaxed, his eyes warm and empty of turmoil. He even gives me a little smile, sort of like anoh, hey, there you aresmile. “If we’re going to keep doing this with him, we have to communicate. Promise me.”
“Promise, baby.” He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, guiding me into a soft, slow kiss. When he pulls away, he rubs the tip of his nose against mine a little. I laugh. If the men on his enemies list had any idea how much of a softie this man is, they’d never fear him again. “I love you, Nol.”