Page 57 of Piece Us Together
It’s not a question. My face gets hotter.
“Yes.” I swallow. “I wanted to know what I was getting into.”
“With me?”
“With…any of it.” I think of those videos, of his hands nimbly creating art on people. “I liked the—the patterns. When it’s all—you know. Not just random rope tied around wrists. I mean, that’s fine, too. But my favorite videos were the patterns.”
Hunter doesn’t move, not an inch. His expression doesn’t even change. But something in his eyes grows impossibly intense. “Would you like to see it in person?”
Nolan shifts on my lap, pressing against my cock. I tell myself that’s why my voice is a little breathless when I say, “Yes.”
“Now, there’s rope bondage and then there’s shibari,” Hunter explains as we all enter the room we always play in. “Shibari takes longer and requires more skill and patience. I will have to adjust my plans for it, which I’m not opposed to doing. Otherwise, I can continue with my plans, just using rope in place of leather cuffs. Nolan, don’t answer. It’s not up to you.”
Nolan drops his chin, doing a little shift on his feet that I know by now means he’s turned-on.
I decide to be a little selfish. There isn’t much about the BDSM stuff that I ever liked, but those rope videos were always enticing. “I want the patterns. The—the shibari.”
“Alright. Nolan, go use the restroom. I’m not tying you up only to cut you loose because you have to pee. Strip while you’re in there.”
Nolan does as told while Hunter fiddles with the blankets on the bed, making sure everything is tucked in securely. When he comes out naked and ready to go, Hunter gives him a pleased smile and calls him good. Somehow, Nolan manages not to melt into a puddle, but it’s a close call. I wonder if he’ll ever stop being so affected by the praise. Or by Hunter in general, for that matter.
I wonder if I will.
“Do you have any areas that are sore today or muscles that are tight?”
“No, sir.”
“Any past injuries that sometimes flare up?”
“No, sir.”
“And your circulation is good?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Excellent.” Hunter nods to the bed. “Get comfortable on your knees on the bed, toward the end. Wait quietly unless you need to use a safeword. Use yellow if you need a break in the positionor need something adjusted. If you use red, I’ll cut you loose immediately.”
“Yes, sir.” Nolan flashes me an excited smile before climbing onto the bed and settling where he was directed. His position is close to kneeling, but just different enough for me to be able to look at him without feeling itchy.
A hand touches my elbow. I suck in a breath, turning to face the man beside me. Hunter’s eyes are still holding that intensity from the living room. I want it to stop. Or I should, at least.
“Come here.” He leads me toward the closet where he pulls the double-doors open to reveal hooks on the wall, five of which have rope hanging from them.
I smirk. “Enough rope?”
“Oh, that’s not even all of it. Just the hanks I use most often.” He grins, that intensity from before fading a little in place of sheer happiness. His hand waves over the left three hooks. “Pick a color. I can make any of these work with my new plan.”
Something warm coils in me. Usually, I don’t want to choose things, don’t want to have the weight of control on my shoulders, but this time I don’t mind. It’s like we’re a team. I get to pick out the rope and he’s going to make our—my, my, my—boy look pretty in it.
I choose the dark green, wondering if Hunter is aware that it matches his eyes.
“Perfect.” He grabs a pair of medical scissors from a smaller hook I hadn’t noticed before and leads me back to the bed. “I don’t want him distracted while I tie him. You can take a seat if you’d like to, or you can stand here and watch.”
“I’ll stay here.” I move to the side a little though, not wanting to be in the way. “Do you—can I help?”
He pauses, his hands stopping in the middle of unraveling the rope. His eyebrows are higher than I think I’ve ever seen them. He’s usually so good at keeping his expression incheck. Even now, his face is already fading to something softly pleased instead. “That’d be great. Just watch for now, okay? Pay attention. Ask questions if you have any. And hold these.”
I’m handed the scissors before he continues working the rope. “Nolan, you with us?”