Page 10 of Killian De Luca
Why does it suddenly smell like smoke? I disregard it, probably someone smoking a strong cigarette downstairs.
“Miss, are you alright?” Anton asks before coughing a little as well.
I take my gun out and aim it at Anton. “Who are you working for?” I ask and Anton widens his eyes and holds his hands up.
“Woah, woah, woah. You don’t need to do this, miss. I swear I’m not-”
“Don’t make me ask again. If you do, I’ll shoot you and send my Papa to take care of your family,” I say, lying about his family.
His family is innocent and doesn't deserve to be caught up in the aftermath, but he doesn’t know that.
“Please don’t. I-I swear I don’t-” A shot rings through the air as Anton’s body slumps to the side with a bullet through his head.
I start coughing more as I realize smoke is entering the room.
What the hell is going on?
I put my gun in my waistband and head towards the door. I wince once my hand touches the knob, my burning as if I touched fire. What the hell?
I use the end of my shirt to open the door and when I do, I see smoke and red flames everywhere.
I look over the railing and down at the box shipments seeing them all set on fire. I cover my mouth with the top of my shirt and squint my eyes because of how much the smoke is burning my eyes.
Fire is crawling up the stairs so there’s no way to get out.
I look down the railing and see a spot where I can jump and get out.
I can make it.
The second floor isn’t that high of a jump.
I get on top of the railing and ignore the burning pain on my palms as I hold myself up.
Don’t think, just jump.
I close my eyes and jump down as I land on my feet, strings of pain shoot to my ankle. I cough even more as fire and smoke surround me.
I look around the warehouse for an exit that’s not covered with fire. While looking around my eyes start to feel heavy.
My energy from all the adrenaline starts to wear off.
I hold onto a crate nearby that hasn’t been hit with fire yet. I cough and slowly get on my knees.
It’s fine. I’ll just take a minute to catch my breath, and everything will be fine.
I won’t prove Papa wrong.
I can’t.
I lean my head against the crate and just rest my eyes.
Only for a few minutes.
I need to think of what to do.
What would Papa do or Jamie?
What would Star tell me to do?