Page 106 of Killian De Luca
She looks at my hands holding my stomach before meeting my eyes. “Miss, if you’re pregnant, we can’t go through with this procedure.”
“I’m asking if I can take the test. Not if I can go through with it or not. Plus, you know who my family is, this whole hospital does.”
The nurse swallows before nodding her head. “Of course. Follow me.”
The nurse walks out and waits by the door.
I go to Killian and press my lips to his forehead. “I’ll be back,” I whisper.
I walk out of the room and follow the nurse as she takes us to another room. “I’ll need you to pee in this cup.” She hands me a cup. “And when you come back, we’ll take some blood for the test.” I nod my head and take the cup from her. Once I finish peeing in the cup, I wash my hands and do my business before giving it back to her. She tells me to sit down on the bed, which I do. “We are going to do an blood test. This will basically tell us what your HLA type is and if you’re a match.” She preps the area on my arm. “So how do you know Killian?”
My heart thumps against my chest hard and fast. “We met as teenagers and then we ended up falling in love.”
The nurse doesn’t say or ask anything else. Instead, she starts to take my blood. I look away when she sticks the needle in my arm.
Once she done, she takes the needle out and cleans the area. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to take these to the lap. It should take too long to get the results.”
A little while later I hear a knock on the door and look at her as she walks in.
I read her facial expression and notice the stress lines on her face as she looks at me with sympathy. “Well, what a coincidence.”
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“You have what he needs.”
Everything is silent as my ears ring.
My heart is beating faster to the point where I can’t ignore it.
Too much is happening.
Too many thoughts are swarming through my head.
It’s all too much.
“You don’t have to-”
“I know, but I love him. I’d rather him live than me. And like you said, he has a rare heart.”
“Miss, please don’t feel the need to save him.”
I shake my head. “You don’t understand, I want to. I owe him everything. It just makes sense to do this.”
The nurse nods her head, not knowing what to say to change my mind.
I know it’s stupid.
I know that I’m just a girl who fell hopelessly in love but it’s not a coincidence that my heart was made for him.
The stars wrote our story, and they knew exactly how it would end.
“Your result from the urine test came back. You are pregnant, but you already knew that” she says, making a tear fall from my eye. I knew I was pregnant, but I didn’t have confirmation. How long have I been pregnant? “Like I said, you don’t-”
“Please stop talking and just let me think,” I beg quietly before closing my eyes and resting my head back on the bed. Killian deserves a happy moment. He just deserves this one thing for how much he has gone through. He’s losing his mom; he can’t lose himself. He’s been through so much and he just needs one positive thing in his life. I was that thing, but I’ll still be with him. I look back up at the nurse. “Can you take the baby out and is there a possibility of it surviving?”
“We can try. It honestly depends on how many months you are.” She looks down at my stomach. “But you don’t even look like you’ve hit the second or third trimester, so I don’t want to give you false hope or anything.”