Page 3 of Killian De Luca
Damn she asks a lot of questions.
"Because it's a waste of time when they don't listen."
"I can listen," she offers, smiling softly. She puts her hands behind her back and walks closer to me. Why is she walking closer to me? "But if you don't like to talk then I can do most of the talking. My family hates that I talk too much, and I wish there were more people I could talk to because I feel like they don't ever listen to me either," Reign rambles before looking at the sky above us. "I sometimes go outside my house and sit on the grass to stare at the stars. I’ll talk for hours to myself while looking at them. Kind of weird right?" Reign snickers while still keeping her eyes up at the sky while smiling.
I look at the stars and they shine brightly down at us.
"As long as nobody catches you talking to yourself then it's not weird," I say before looking back at her.
Reign looks at me and her smile brightens almost making me want to smile.
She looks like a good girl.
And good girls always want a bad boy, even if they don’t admit it.
"Killian, I think that you and I could be really good-" before Reign can finish, I hear someone yell her name.
I turn my head and see the Bulgarianstronzofrom the stage walk outside with a vein prominent on his forehead. He must be mad but at what?
"Reign! What are you doing out here?!" the Bulgarianstronzosays before turning his eyes away from Reign’s to meet mine. His face forms a look of disgust, and it makes me want tokick his shin to show him something really disgusting I can do. "Why are you talking to him?!" he hisses at Reign.
I clench my fist as I see Reign try to look away from the man, who I assume is her dad.
"We were just talking, papa," Reign mumbles.
"Not with him," her dad hisses.
"Hey, what's going on out here?" I look to my left and see my dad walking outside of the building to where Reign, the Bulgarianstronzo, and I are standing. "You, okay?" my dad asks me once he stands by my side. I nod my head and my dad looks in front of me and he tenses immediately. "Malcolm," my dad states and he look down at Reign who is staring at my dad.
"Ace. Is this boy yours?" Malcolm asks while glaring at me.
"Yes. What's the matter?" my dad asks with a stoic expression on his face as he speaks calmly with Malcom.
"He shouldn't be anywhere near my daughter," Malcolm says while pulling Reign closer to him.
I can't help but look at Reign. Her hyper, easygoing personality vanishes, and now she shies away while still looking at me. I can't help but worry if she is okay or not.
"This is the one time a year that all families are civil, and you are really going to go after two teenagers who are hanging out? Really Malcolm? Not very mature if you ask me." My dad narrows his eyes at Malcolm.
"If he comes near my daughter one more time, I will make sure to cut his head off. Don't underestimate me, Ace. You may be the devil everyone says but I am not afraid of you," Malcolm states with confidence and I can't help but snicker. Anyone who isn't afraid of my dad is stupid because he is the one person who will you make cower from just a simple glare from him. This Bulgarianstronzoobviously has a death wish. "Got something to say, son?" Malcolm glares at me.
I’m about to open my mouth to say something, but Reign’s soft, calm voice speaks up.
“Let's just go, papa. Mama and Baba are probably waiting for us," Reign says while trying to pull her dad away from my dad and me.
But before Malcolm does leave my dad speaks up. "Careful, Malcolm. Not a lot of people walk away with two feet and a pair of eyes after threatening me or my family," my dad warns, and Malcolm looks back at him.
"You have no clue what I can do, De Luca. You be careful," Malcolm says before walking away while holding Reign's hand.
The last thing I see of Reign is her bright blue eyes piercing into mine.
All I know is that I want to see her again and hear what she has to say about everything.
Age Sixteen