Page 5 of His Tempting Angel
“Ummm. No.” Her eyes slide away from me and she whispers, “I’m not staying in town. I was looking around.”
“And you’re good to stay here for the job?” I hold my breath, my chest aching so much that I almost claw at it. I just barely control myself.
Her sudden smile makes me dizzy. “More than you can know.”
“Great! Go ahead and sit down at that table over there until I’m ready. I’ll buy you a drink. Non-alc0holic,” I warn.
She smirks slightly. “I’d love a Pepsi.”
“Then that’s what you shall have.” I would gladly give her anything she asks for.
Especially my heart. If only she wasn’t so damn young!
I’m in hell and heaven at the same damn time. She’s here around me every day and every night. I know she’s upstairs and lying in the new bed that I got to make sure that she’s comfortable. She’s sleeping in it and I can’t help but picture what she’s wearing.
It’s been two weeks since she started here and Christmas is coming in another week. I know my girl wanted a new job for Christmas and my angel got exactly what she wanted.
My Christmas wish is harder to get. Harder to find.
I want my angel. I’ve tried and tried to tell myself that she’s too young and I’m too scarred and old but it just isn’t working. No matter what I tell myself, I can’t stop thinking about her, wanting her.
“Max! Hey, Max!” I jerk my head around and glare at my best waitress, Melody. She grins at me. “Are you ever gonna get your head out of your ass and talk to that girl about your feelings?”
I shake my head and she groans and flops down on a barstool. She hands me a drink slip. “Here. Make yourself useful.” She leans a hand on the bar and glares at me. “You know that she likes you. Why are you putting yourself through this? You can’t eat, sleep or work and you’re rapidly becominguseless here! Talk to that girl and get this shit straightened out! Sleep with her until you get this shit out of your system for fuck’s sake!”
I glare at her as I make another damn Long Island Iced Tea and an Old Fashioned. “It’s not that damn simple, Mel! And I’m not gonna get her out of my system. I don’t just want her for one night.” I hand her her drinks and her big eyes stare at me.
“You love her? Oh my god! The big bad bar owner is afraid to tell a tiny little girl that he’s in love with her! Jesus! I never thought I’d see the day you were afraid of anything! You ran into burning buildings with my brother for god’s sake! She’s half your size! I don’t think she bites! What the hell are you afraid of?”
My mouth twists. “Gee, I don’t know, Mel! Maybe that she doesn’t think of me like that and then she’s gonna have to find another job in this town and she’s gonna avoid me like the fucking plague! At least if she’s here, I can watch out for her and keep her safe. I know if she’s alright. I know if there’s a problem. I know she’s eating alright, sleeping alright.”
Mel shakes her head sadly. “You’re a stalker, man.”
“I’m not a damn stalker. I just want to make sure my employees are alright,” I huff.
“What did I eat for dinner?” Mel asks me, her dark brow raised.
I huff out a harsh breath but she knows and she chuckles wryly. “Exactly. You like me. I know that. I’m a valued employee but you don’t know what I ate today. You don’t follow me with your eyes like a little lost puppy. You need to get this shit figured out. If you want her,tellher.”
Both of us break off the conversation when Lexi comes downstairs and stops at the end of the bar, smiling.
“Lexi? What are you doing down here? Is there something wrong?”
She’s shaking her head in seconds and I can’t help but watch the swish of her soft curls. In two weeks she’s starting to fill out, her cheeks rounding out instead of sunken. Her glorious lavender eyes sparkling with happiness instead of dull with pain and fear. It makes me so fucking happy that I did this for her.
“No. Not really. But the hot water isn’t working upstairs and I wanted to take a shower before I go to bed. I don’t usually have time in the morning before I come in to work.”
I cross my arms over my chest and I almost choke on my own tongue when her eyes follow the movement. Why is she watching me so closely? Surely, a pretty young thing like her wouldn’t want an old, scarred asshole like me?
“You know that you can come in late and I wouldn’t give a damn, baby girl.” My voice is scratchy and rough and she jumps like I’ve scared the living shit out of her.
But she’s not scared. She growls under her breath. “I work here, Max. I’m not gonna come in late unless I work late. So don’t suggest anything like that again. I pull my weight.”
“Stubborn woman,” I growl. The girl who came in here terrified disappeared recently. She’s happy and she glows with it. Having a good job and eating right agrees with her. I’m sure it has nothing to do with me.