Page 60 of Desperate Measures
“It’s fine. I imagine a few people will be shocked by my sudden appearance.”
“Indeed. I set up a meeting for you in five minutes with Connor Callahan, he runs the security firm I hired to take care of ODI’s needs. You will need access to our system, and he’s going to set you up. Will you be alright?”
“Of course,” I replied, donning a professional tone.
I knew the drill. With this level of tech, ODI would need top-notch security. Not unlike Volkov Industries.
Liam dropped his hands from my waist, and I missed their warmth immediately.
But I understood this was work time now.
There would be plenty of time to play.
Later. Back home. In our bed.
Chapter 22-Michaela
Something the glitter swirling around in his bright green eyes promised, and goddamn, did I look forward to it.
Sex with Liam was just that good. Outstanding, really. And here I thought I sucked at physical intimacy. But maybe my failed relationships weren’t my fault. Maybe I just needed the right man.
To think my husband could be that man was something I wasn’t mentally or emotionally prepared to deal with.
“I’ve known Connor for a long time and trust him to be professional with you otherwise I would stay right here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll be fine,” I said, rolling my eyes at that overbearing statement.
I didn’t want to admit the hope it gave me that he sounded a tad bit possessive. Something I was used to from my father and uncles with my mom and their wives, respectively.
Am I being foolish?
Was it possible that my handsome as fuck husband might actually like me? And was thinking thoughts like that something I should avoid like the plague?
Probably. The latter, I mean. As for the former, who knew?
If I started assuming he valued me for something more than what I could potentially bring to ODI, or even to our bedroom, I was putting myself in danger.
Danger of falling in love.
Danger of getting my heart broken.
Neither one of those sounded like fun. To be honest, I didn’t think I would survive either.
Loving my husband was the worst thing I could think of, and for one simple reason.
He didn’t love me back.
Likely, never would. But the way he was looking at me now, and how he shut down Miss Chen’s obvious invitation, well, they had me hoping for more than I should.
Foolish, Micky.
But maybe I was wrong to think so.
Maybe it was time to start believing in something I long since had given up on.
Maybe it was time to believe in love.
My heart squeezed. I shouldn’t go there. Not with him. Not now when I was so close to achieving what I’d wanted for my professional life for years.