Page 35 of Mafioso's Muse
Vaughn’s lips turned up. ‘I’ll try to resist the urge.’ He gestured to the door. ‘After you.’
As Willow entered the house, she was taken aback by the sheer grandiosity. The foyer had high ceilings and decorative architecture in white and gold.
‘There she is,’ Paula said, appearing with a big smile. She kissed Willow’s cheek. ‘Don’t you look lovely?’
Her warmth made Willow miss her own mother, who would have been notably overwhelmed and awkward in such a setting. ‘Your home is beautiful.’
‘Thank you, love. Come, I’ll take you on a quick tour.’ When Vaughn went to say something, she added, ‘Don’t worry. I’ll bring her straight back.’
As she was led away, Willow looked over her shoulder and caught Vaughn’s concerned expression. She offered him a reassuring smile before turning her attention back to her guide.
‘Let’s start downstairs,’ Paula said. ‘I love to show off my laundry.’
It soon became clear why. The laundry had custom-built cabinetry, a stone benchtop, an ironing station, and the most impressive thing: a washing basket rest beneath the appliances. The room was as large as Willow’s whole apartment.
She followed Paula slowly through the house, admiring the upholstered furniture, plush rugs, and priceless artwork. When they went upstairs, she stood in awe of the living room with its floor-to-ceiling windows. It looked over the back garden, which included a vibrant green lawn, endless garden beds, neatly trimmed hedges, and a winding pathway through it all. There were bench seats placed throughout and a large pond in the middle that reflected the setting sun.
‘It’s breathtaking,’ Willow remarked.
Paula stepped up beside her, looking out. ‘Salvatore’s mother did most of the work before she left us. Now, I do the best I can not to kill her vision.’
Willow smiled and folded her arms in front of her. ‘And both your sons still live at home?’
‘This will always be their home, but they both have apartments in the CBD.’ She paused. ‘Though Vaughn has been known to sleep at his various workplaces.’
‘Can’t say I’m overly surprised by that revelation.’
Paula fixed the tuck of her blouse. ‘He really disappeared last year after the trial.’ Her brow creased with concern. ‘I was worried about him for a while there.’
Willow wasn’t sure what to say without prying. ‘That must have been a difficult time for all of you.’
Paula waved away the sympathy. ‘The important thing is that he’s doing well now.’
It was clear that while Willow was welcome in the family’s home, she wasn’t welcome in their business.
‘I hope you brought your appetite with you,’ Paula said, turning away from the window. ‘I’ve been cooking all day.’
‘I hope that wasn’t on my account.’
‘It was, actually. You’re the first woman Vaughn has invited home to dinner in… well, years.’
Willow fell into step with her. ‘I’m not sure Vaughn did invite me.’ Her tone was playful.
Paula laughed lightly. ‘True. But I know my son better than anyone, and after watching the two of you together last night, I knew I had to invite you.’
Willow dropped her gaze to the floor, resisting the temptation to ask what it was that she saw.
Downstairs, Willow found Vaughn smoking in one of the living rooms. He immediately stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray when she entered the room.
‘You’re worried about me inhaling smoke but not yourself?’ she asked.
‘I’m more worried about the person I’ll become when I stop.’ He rose from the lounge. ‘How was the tour?’
‘This house is crazy beautiful.’ She looked past him to the tidy bookshelves. ‘I’m definitely going to need a garden tour later.’
‘I’ll take you after dinner.’ He watched her for a moment. ‘Hungry?’
‘Starving, actually. Harrison pushed me rather hard today.’ Then, seeing the change in his expression, she added, ‘Because we’re working on the variation.’